A little meme-thing to get me started posting again....

Nov 29, 2013 23:49

Haven't posted in a while, but then I saw steinsgrrl had posted this, which she apparently stole from Reddit. And I figured, why not? Chances are, I'll get back to posting again. Seems I needed a little break. :-)

Anyway, here goes!

1. If your first love came back to offer you everything you've ever dreamed of, what would you do?

My first love? Did I even have a first love? I honestly wouldn't know. I did have a boyfriend when I was around 20-years old. After I'd gotten back from the US. It didn't last very long, and he was a bit of an asshole. His first love was his guitar. It was more important than me. :-P He was great in bed though. Like REALLY great! So, in a sense, I am glad he took my virginity since he knew wtf he was doing and made sure it was really good for me to.

Then I had, very shortly, a girlfriend when I'd moved here. And I moved here when I was around 25. And yes. To her, I'd say yes and welcome her with open arms, had I not had the family I have today. I have not one bad word to say about her. It just didn't work out. And we are still friends to this day. I loved her, in a way, but not the way I should have.

And then... There's peting73. Who I've been together with for 10 years. And I have my daughter with him. Love of my life that one.

My love-life is sadly short, but... intense, maybe? *ponders*

2. Have you ever called 911? If so, why? (or 999 or whatever the emergency number is where you live)

Here in Sweden it's 112, and yes I have. Once. I was still living at home then, hanging with another crowd of friends. I'd arranged my yearly summer-masquerade party, my parents not at home, leaving us to do what we wanted with the house, as long as we cleaned it up the day after. (I was somewhere around 18-20, I think.) One girl, at one of them parties, was an anorectic. And had an anorectic/bulimic friend with her. The anorectic/bulimic girl fainted and started shaking and seeing things and blacked out now and then... One of the other guests, also a friend of the two, tried to take charge in my own home telling me not to worry and tried locking themselves in my parents bedroom. I was NOT having that! I pushed myself inside said bedroom with force of strength, told the charge-taking guest to shove it where the sun don't shine and to shut the fuck up... and then I called 112. Sick girl ended up in emergency for a while, and then got back to the treatment home she'd been on leave from. I think both them sick girls are OK today. I know one of them got a family today, two kids and a guy... So I guess it ended up well in the end.

3. What is the #1 thing you miss about being a kid?

The lack of responsibility. And the freedom. Of course, when you were a kid you didn't see it like that, but looking back... Yes. That's what I miss the most. Running around during summer... Didn't matter what yard you were in, our yard our any of our neighbors yard... All the doors where wide open, and there was always someone there to give you a drink... or a snack... or some sweets... We were four kids, me and my brother. And the neighbor siblings, also a sister and a brother. We played together all the time then. During winter we went out skiing and had mini-barbecues in the snow....

It was a good way to grow up, and I can miss that sometimes and feel guilty of not giving the same to Alexandra.

Strangely enough, that neighbor-girl? She ended up one of my worst bullies when we got a bit older in school... and the one who started it all. I still, to this day, have NO idea why.

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

health, peting, life, party, love, my love, family, memes, friends

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