Pimp-post! Links and vids for everyones pleasure!

Oct 22, 2013 00:31

Have some links that have lingered around in my tabs me thinking "I should share this on LJ!" So now I do. :-) Enjoy!

Let's start with the vids!

This is just so cute, I don't even... What a wonderful little short! It's been winning awards to! And I can definitely see why...

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What our world is ending up as? Makes you think, doesn't it? Especially for our future kids...

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My favorite piece of classical music. No contest.

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More music! Eminem's new video is out for his new single. Yep. Still fangirling him like CRAZY!

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Or should I say... His TWO new singles! He might get older, but gawd DAMN the man looks good in this, his latest single! Black combat pants? I AM SO THERE! *fangirls*

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Last piece of music... Found this clip from The X Factor... I can not believe this woman is over 50 and a grandma! o.O Geezes...

Lillie McCloud - The X Factor by caseycarlsonx1

This was pretty cool. And makes up a good point what a lot of people from the nordic countries think when looking at the USA...

(Click for bigger!)

Sure looks a lot more yummy than it sounded in them books...

Not involved in the Supernatural fandom, but this seriously cracked me up. X-D Misha Collins, actor of the angel Castiel (and apparently slightly nuts...), answering the question: As a Hollywood executive, what would they do to Supernatural?

The answer all fangirls would want from Mr Collins...

As a LARPer, if I ever EVER go on a fantasy-LARP... I'd definitely shop for one of these! Looks so so much cooler than the plastic elf-ears I see a lot on LARP's during summer... REALLY neat!

Elf-ears made out of wire...

I've been following the professional writer and artist Ursula Vernon, ursulav, pretty much since I started to use my LJ. And this post? Just cracked me up SO BAD! X-D It pretty much tells all about that woman right there.

My agent puts up with a lot...

Anotehr professional writer, Diana Gabaldon! And she is having a say... on the subject off... (And I DO recommend you read the whole thing!)

A brief disquisition on the existence of Butt-cooties...

On fandom queens... All fandoms have them. No escape... And yes, I do agree...

Talking off fandom and fanfic... And well... A certain Stephanie Meyer AND a certain E. L. James should definitely take a close look at this link to... *cough, cough*

The Difference between BDSM and abuse...

And, while we're at at... I don't know if I should laugh and be proud of my country... or just shake my head and feel ashamed... Maybe a bit of both? *lol*

Swedish court rules that it is ‘okay’ to masturbate in public

And.... that's the link pimp for this time! Back to your regular business, ladies and gents!

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

pimping, supernatural, eminem, music, fun stuff, interesting

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