Busy day, movies and fandom work...

Sep 18, 2013 22:45

It's been a BUSY day today... o.O Wednesdays will be very very busy for us from now on out.

Because during the day, Alexandra is at the daycare center from 8am-1pm. Then home, and pack and prepare dinner. And then we leave for baby-swimming class at the swimming bath downtown between 4:25pm-4:55pm... She likes it, but damn is Alexandra exhausted after such a day.

Apparently, so am I. Because I am absolutely exhausted today. And let's not forget that my period started today bringing with it my menstrual cramps from HELL!*collapses in a pile*

While Alexandra has been at the daycare center yesterday and today I've been doing paperwork. URGH! I've ignored these piles of papers for too long, and much of it needs to get done ASAP if I am to get any help from the unemployment fund. So yeah. No choice. And it's A LOT!

But to make it a little bit more fun I've been watching movies. I borrowed two movies from the library that I watched yesterday and today, and I can whole heartedly recommend them both.

The first one that I watched yesterday was heart wrenchingly sad. And very beautiful. Boy in the striped pyjamas. I HIGHLY recommend it.

image Click to view

The other one, that I watched today was Searching for Sugar Man. And all I have to say to that one is... What an incredibly life story! And it's all true to! WOW!

image Click to view

I've been listening to that mans music all day long...

Which is still a good but sucky day. Try that on for size. :-P

My menstrual cramps are fucking me over like no tomorrow, but it's been fun to. Even though paperwork is seriously boring, it is still nice to sit there with your cup of tea by the TV with all them papers scattered around you without my daughter destroying them... Peace and quite. My cats, my papers, my phone and my TV. Until I get hired by the hour or get a more permanent job, that will most likely be what I'll be doing while Alexandra is at daycare. And maybe some housework to, who knows? :-)

I am still working on that mod-work for tokiohotelslash. I have started to go through all 900+ members in the members list. To check if there's any suspicious journals there. I started at... 968 members, I think? I am now down to 930 members. I send a PM-message (or comment) to each and everyone that I delete as members. ONE has asked to be a member again, since her empty LJ was only used to read fic. :-) Which is fine! But hard for me to see when I just check the journal. ;-) Anyway, telling that it has just been one. :-P I've gotten halfway through the letter C. This WILL take time. But I am confident I'll finish it now when I've started. It's not hard since it's easy to find all info needed on LJ's profiles. It's just dull work. :-P

Currently I am the only mod/owner of the community. But I might have a mod in the making. If she got the time for it. We'll see. It's always nice to have someone to discuss with. I don't mind doing the dull/heavy work after that. :-)

Anyway. Exhausted, so I'll just skip the mod-work tonight, and go to bed, I think... *HUGE YAWN*

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

movies, life, music, job search, pain, kid, unemployment fund, tokio hotel

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