Traveling and parties...

Aug 11, 2013 01:30

FINALLY! The last birthdayparty/summerparty/vist/what have you is over. It's the same thing every year from mid-July to beginning of August. Tons of parties and birthdays and I don't even know what.

And everyone in my crazy family goes there. No matter if you are only months old or 70 years old. You show. So I feel awful those times when I can't show. Because I KNOW those parties are AWESOME! They always are. And there's so much love everywhere and just...

Sometimes I regret moving two hours away. Because it is SUCH a pain in the ass to drive every time. But then again, I have peting73 and Alexandra here... Not to mention ALL my friends that accept me and love me for who I am. So I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else. :-P

Today though it was my cousin who had her 25th birthday party. Wow. I feel old. o.O

Anyway, my cousin did a smart move. She invited EVERYONE at the same time. Relatives. Friends. Work-mates. Everyone. X-D Which came out to a total of 69 people. And she'd bought food, soft drinks, alcohol of several kinds, desserts, coffee... Anything you could ask for, and offered it up to everyone that showed up.

Now THAT'S a party! It was a lot of fun, despite me being a bit down on the traveling. It really was. :-) And Alexandra did GREAT! She usually goes to bed at around 7:30pm. Now we didn't leave until 9pm, and she STILL behaved great, playing with my mom! :-D

Didn't take long before she fell asleep in the car though. ;-) *lol* And it worked great getting her up to the apartment and down in her bed again to. She woke up. Got a new diaper. Some gruel. And then promptly feel asleep again. :-D

She is quite easy to handle. Well, most of the time. ;-)

So yeah. No more traveling back and forth... until Christmas time. And that is quite far off yet. :-)

Also, I've apparently come back to the habit of updating here again. Damn. That feels REALLY good! :-D

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

livejournal, my love, kid, life, birthday, family, love

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