The weekend-rant, and a couple of memes.

Jan 24, 2005 15:19

No fair! I wanted to go to the big Xena-convention in Burbank as well!!! *grumbles* Oh well. Such it is when you are a poor student on the other side of the world... At least I found some really nice pics for the event, so I can pretend I was there. Lucy Lawless and Reneé O'Conner jumped out of a cake in gogo-outfits! I would have died if I could have seen that! Oh well... I can dream about going to the next big event. :-P

Pics from Burbank here:

I was at my loves apartment all weekend. :-) Always nice. I feel at home there, wich is good, since I am going to move in there come summer. We have plans for the place. Good plans. :-) It might cost us some, but it will be good. :-) We were at the Student Union Pub on friday to. It was fun! Not much people there, as usually but everyone was in great partymood, so it didn't matter. And the DJ played REALLY GREAT music, for once, so I danced all night! And then on saturday night I vent and played at the vampire-LARP as usually. It was great, great fun! And since I missed the buss, my love let me drive his car to the local of playing. I was kinda chocked, since he is very careful with his car. But it was fun to get to drive some. I don't get to do that very often nowadays. I hope he will let me use it again, it was fun to drive it. :-)

And to end this post, some memes. I admit. I am addicted to the damned things!!!

My, my....

Oh... Nice...


Teeth? Can they be sexy???

Yeah. Right. As if...

xena-con, my love, testresults

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