I did survive Midsummer, if anyone was wondering... ;-)
It was a close call though, I will admit. We kept to the schedule I posted before Midsummer, and it worked out fine. :-) And Alexandra behaved GREAT the whole time!
During the Midsummer-party day before Midsummer-Eve at my aunts, she even stayed up later than usual. And she got to meet a ton of my relatives that hadn't meet her before. So that was awesome! :-D She will be as crazy as the rest of this huge extended family before she turns 10, I swear...
Had a lovely chatt with one of my relatives while there... a younger one. And randomly she asked HOW we were related. Well, I said, your grandma and my mom are cousins... which makes me and your mom second cousins... And you and me, she asks. Well, I say, you're my second cousins kid.
Yes, I did mention my huge extended family was huge and crazy, right?
Anyway, much yummy Midsummer-food was eaten, much hugs were shared, and much talking was done. :-)
And then we went onwards to our next stop, Lindesberg. We were to stay at one of the hotels at the city centre there. An older hotel, historiclly speaking. And it was very nice! Big room, even if it hadn't been renovated in a while, it was still nice. And the breakfast in the morning was YUM!
We had one of those traveling cribs with us, and it worked like a charm. Alexandra slept great in it. :-)
Next day we traveled the last four hours to
peting73s best friend, Kiltfan.
And that's when I got a bit pissed... Because when we were ALMOST there, after traveling for two days, around 4-5 hours each day... They call and let us know they are not at home, but at another place to dance around the Midsummer-pole.
Yes. That pissed me off somewhat. But as luck would have it, they made it back just before we got there, so all was well in the end. Still, not a cool thing to do.
More Midsummer-food was eaten. Our old Student-overals were put on. Alexandra charmed everyone and behaved wonderfully. :-D And apparently slept really well, because she didn't wake up until 8:30am the next morning, shocking me quite a great deal! I'd gone to bed at midnight/one am or so. Early for a Midsummer-party, but I was in charge of Alexnadra so there we go. :-) Now...
peting73 and Kiltfan on the other hand... X-D They'd been up to 4am drinking beer! *LOL*
Let's just say it was a good thing we didn't start our travel until in the afternoon. ;-) (There were a few stops on the way while I was driving... for
peting73 to... look at the nature... bent over... *cough*)
Unfortunately though that had me hanging out with Kiltfan's wife. She apparently likes me, but... I have... a hard time hanging out with her. She is BEYOND over protective off her kids. Seriously. They are not allowed to go anywhere alone. They live on the countryside. There's nothing dangerous around, trust me. But the kids are not allowed to be on the yard, outside the house alone. They're not even allowed to walk in the stairs (a big, simple stair) alone from topfloor to bottomfloor. Kids are 5 and 3 years old. To me, that is NUTS! I've grown up like that to. Mom kept the door open and let us run however we wanted. Up and down the stairs (not quite such a safe stairs as theirs) and in and out and in the yard and just... all over the place. If you live like that, in a safe community way out on the countryside... I think that is how it's supposed to be.
But yeah. When she was living here? In the city Borås? Who is a pretty calm city, compared to the biggest cities in Sweden (Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö). She didn't dare go outside the door, unless Kiltfan or someone he trusted walked with her...
I wonder what their kids will be like when they grow up... *shakes head* Teen-years sure will be interesting.
So we left and started the journey back. Alexandra was a bit more bored in the car this time, so even though she slept much of the journey as she'd done on the way there, we had to do some more stops this time.
It went well though, and we found the hotel in Örebro fine. :-) This one was a bit newer a hotel, with rooms that were clearly newly renovated. BUT! The room was WAY smaller, so we barely managed to set up Alexandras travel bed. Once it was in place though, it worekd fine and we went to bed REALLY early and slept wonderfully...
... until Alexandra decided to wake up at 5:30am. X-D Silly girl. Good thing that hotel served breakfast from 6am onwards. *lol*
We didn't stress at all, and took it easy during the morning, but it still made sure we got home quite early despite making several stops during the way. We even traveled through the city where my aunt and cousins live... so we took a break and feed Alexandra at my cousins place! :-D
So the whole journey worked great! Better then expected really. :-)
Now we can relax some... until mid-July when a shitload of birthday-parties and summer-parties and I don't even know what is going down among my relatives again... X-D
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