A big sharing post! Everything and anything, really!

Jun 07, 2013 22:48

I'll be posting more then once today, so... First up, a sharing post filled with links, vids and I don't even know what that I've found surfing the net!

First up, some fun!

I don't know if any of you Tokio Hotel fans have seen this Tumblr, but it is cracking me up every time! X-D So much love for the people behind it. :-)

Badly Drawn Tokio Hotel - hey!1!! wi r tokiohotel bitch

Absolutely hilarious, and I do recommend checking it out if you haven't already!

Now when we've done that, let's get a bit more serious...

I don't know if any of you remember how much I struggled with breastfeeding when Alexandra was newly born? It was hell. Serious hell. So I bottlefeed her. Nearly from the start. It's funny how women never talk about the issue with breastfeeding being one HARD thing to do. So when I found this article, I felt right at home. That's me!, I thought. :-) Especially all the breastfeeding-nazi's she talks about. Man, I've SOOOO run into those to!

Breastfeeding is hell!

Right so, next sorta serious subject...

Since I've posted about it, you all know my brother is getting a divorce... Sad as it is. His ex wife is a Mary Kay consultant. Selling said makeup in home parties. And when I was talking to my brother a couple of nights ago, and he mentioned it ain't the same woman he married... I started doing some research on Mary Kay online.

Dude. I don't know if that was a bad idea or a good idea... :-/ But I found A LOT of interesting stuff. Mostly how that company more work like a religious sect.

For gawds sake, people, don't start with that!

Right, so. Here's a site that is run be a previous Mary Kay consultant. And what she is telling ain't pretty... Interesting, but not pretty.

Pink Truth - Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics

Scary reading...

There's a lot of companies doing this homeparty thing. Working sorta like Mary Kay. Penn & Teller did a show on this with their Bullshit!-tvshow. And it is REALLY interesting! And a lot of fun, because... Well.. Penn & Teller. :-)

image Click to view

And lastly, as you know I've been doing the FlyLady thing, even though I find it somewhat preachy and have to filter all the religious things away from what is said... But once that is filtered away I like what is being said about housekeeping and cleaning. Something I really don't like. And that site has helped me a lot.

Anyway, then snowstormskies showed me THIS site! And it is almost the same thing... but not as holy... Quite the opposite, as the name of the site would tell you...

Unfuck your habitat!

Can find them on Tumblr too right HERE!

Lastly, this lil vid sure brought home some memories. Also it is CUTE! :-D

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I've been a Disney fan since I was a lil kid, so this sure brought home some nice memories. :-)

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

disney, pimping, music, interesting, cleaning, kid, fun stuff, tokio hotel

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