A HUGE sharing post to be enjoyed by one and all!

Apr 21, 2013 23:36

I have a bunch of stuff to share right now, so... have a sharing post! Filled with, hopefully, stuff that'll be amusing, interesting, thought-provoking or... just plain old fun. :-)

I'll start off with a swedish link for those swedes and/or scandinavians that might read this place. :-) A link about how tough girls who love horses REALLY are... written by a man and discussing the difference between the so called macho-hobbies that boys usually do and what it really takes to care for a horse and ride it to...
Häst-tjejer VS Macho-män
(Google-translate link that is so, so... but understandable in english, right HERE!, let me know if some words do not make sense.)

The comments on that article are pretty awesome to, with some brilliant stories. :-)

Another swedish link, since I sat laughing at this an entire evening when reading it. X-D And this link is VERY NSFW! The name says it all really: Telefonhoran / Phonehooker. It is a woman who worked on a hotline, talking sex with guys who paid for her time. And in this blogg she put up examples of what kind of phone-calls and costumers she had. And dude... DUDE! X-D The people she had to talk to! Some men, I mean... Really? SEIROUSLY??? X-D I could do this. EASILY! *laughs*
Telefonhorans Blogg
Google translate link that is so, so... but again somewhat understandable in english right HERE. If you need help with words or sentances, ask me!)

Fun , eh? X-D Onwards!

Some more fun! This was hilerious, and I laughed my ass off watching this vid! These two guys are apparently vid-bloggers and good friends... and again, apparently, they have a fan-following... that writes M/M fanfiction about them. And they found said fanfiction and are in this vid reading it aloud! It cracked me up. SO BAD! Just think if any of the TH-boys would do this! X-D Good lord...

image Click to view

Now tell me you didn't laugh your ass of just now watching that... ;-) X-D They are really getting into it, aren't they? X-D

To keep on the gay side of life... well, at least when it comes to all sorts of fiction! Here's a great little article/blogg-post/what have you about how awesome it really is that there are a lot of women out there that write about gay-romance! :-D It is a great piece of reading, since it goes from how did I get into this? And how do I work it now? :-D I loved reading it anyway!
The face of Gay

Next is a vid that will make sure you don't need drugs.. *lol* Watching this and doing exactly as it tells you to will make you allucinate! I am not even joking. My walls were moving for a couple of seconds when I tried it... I didn't believe it would work, but dude. It did. Pretty cool!

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Then another awesome thing I stumbled upon the other day. I think I found a new band to fangirl! *lol* This band, The Mini Band, is really really awesome! The oldest member is 12 years old... A few years ago they made a vid where they played the song Enter Sandman by Metallica that went viral on YouTube (when they were 8-10 years old). So viral, in fact, that Metallica themselves saw it... and made a video-message for them kids. How cool is THAT??? :-D

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Those kids probably peed their pants when their idols actually sent them a message! :-D So awesome! Here's them kids website, btw! Well worth a checkout, since they are now writing and recording THEIR OWN MUSIC! Did I mention the oldest one is currently 12 years old? Yeah, just... WOW...
The Mini Band!

Talking of bands, let's fangirl a bit over Tokio Hotel! Or well... laugh at these AWESOME badly drawn fanart! X-D And yes. They are badly drawn. (Stick-figures.) And yes, they are awesome! (Such a wonderful sense of humor!) And yes, you can send them a message on Tumblr asking for a drawing! :-D
I SURE DID!!! And after that, I THANKED THEM! As one should. ;-) They seem to be a fun bunch, and I do wholeheartedly recommend this Tumblr!
Badly Drawn Tokio Hotel!

Now to get a lil serious... After recent events, it is easy to lose faith in humanity. But we have to remember there are some really awesome people around to! As this list shows! Really, those people mentioned rock SO HARD!
20 images that will restore your faith in humanity

Also, as most of you probably know, I really REALLY hate Twilight with a burning passion! I do... And 50 Shades of Grey is just worse, since it is a badly written Twilight fanfiction that made everything that made me hate Twilight even worse. It is THAT bad... And still there are those out there that say that Christian Grey (Edward Cullen copy, and the so called white knight and romantic lead of the book) is the best man ever and eveyrone should strive to get such a man.

Excuse me while I throw up.

This is the reason why we whould not strive for such a man. Warning for triggery subjects. I kid you not.

Need more evidence that 50 Shades is about an abusive relationship?!

It is scary what kids read these days sometimes...

And while we are on the subject, this is BRILLIANTLY written and shows the difference on how women and men is portrayed in the media. I loved it. Read it and give it a good think-through.

Jon Hamm Needs To Stop Dressing Like a Total Slut

Also, remember THIS VID that pretty much went viral... well, almost. And is damn impressive, I won't lie... Why do I get the feeling it was only made to draw attention and as a commercial vid for THIS website selling a yoga-product? Might be because the damn vid appears and is mentioned all over the site, pretty much! :-/ Really put a downer on something that impressive, don't it? Bet they got a lot of costumers when said vid went viral. :-P

Anyway, sorry to end on a bit of a downer-note, but it just happened that way. Onwards with life, eh?

*does just that*

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

fanfic, fun stuff, comp-stuff, twilight, interesting, fanvids

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