Mar 14, 2013 00:07

I AM NOT DEAD! I swear!

Neither is anyone else in this nerdy household.

Even if peting73 almost ended up in the doghouse again... Yeah, we were sick this weekend. Again. First Alexandra. She got her first two teeth the other day. (YAY!) And then she started puking. (Crap.) And not many hours later, so did peting73. And after midnight, so did I. FUN TIMES! Not. So since the only one that got any sleep was Alexandra, we called in the cavalry, that is... My MIL. Because she is awesome and came over and took care of Alexandra A WHOLE DAY so both me and peting73 could sleep and heal in peace. Thank gawd for that.

Right, so that was this weekend. I know I've been MIA like fuck. Reason? Well, apart from being sick, I've just kept busy. I don't have that many hours on the computer. And since Alexandra got her teeth, well... She just don't wanna sleep. She don't wanna eat. And she pukes in the evenings. I am worried, and when I am worried I try to relax during the evenings with fanfic.

So I do that, read fanfic. When really, I should try to read up on my F-list. I am so behind it is ridiculous. And I do so very much apologize for that. If there is anyone that wants to know? I have NO IDEA how I'll get caught up. None. I mean, even if I spend ALL MY TIME reading my f-list, I don't know when or if I'll get caught up. And sometimes I'd like to do other things on my computer to. I know, shocking. *sigh*

And then the Georg FQF will be posted... Although I doubt that will push me to far behind, since not many prompts has been picked up. Unsurprisingly. So maybe I won't be pushed back to far.

As long as I don't get sick again... *crosses fingers* I bet it is Alexandra that keeps dragging those germs home... *sigh*

I was planning to get a photo of my tattoo to post today, but alas... That hasn't happened yet. We're going to visit my brother on Sunday (hopefully) and maybe he can help us take a good photo of it with peting73s brilliant camera... and so you can see how awesome our tattoos look next to each other to. It is almost fully healed now. So glorious. Hard to not show it off, so when I was at the library last with Alexandra I talked to the librarians there that I know, and they to found it absolutely gorgeous and said such a tattoo would most likely NOT hold me back when looking for a job as a librarian. At least not in this town. Felt WONDERFUL to hear! :-D

My brother came to visit a week or two ago to with his kids and also my mom. That was AWESOME! :-D So much fun! I love his kids, they are SO clever, it is scary. I am (apparently) the cool aunt with the cool computer and all stuff, so they got help to start playing kid games online on our computers. His daughter is six, and his soon four. And they manage perfectly on their own (we just supervised from afar, so they didn't get into anything not very kid-friendly... it is OUR computers after all...). Tilda, his daughter six years old, manage to find kid games on Google on her own and to help her brother to! She hasn't even started school yet! Geezes... I am not sure if I look forward to or fear the fact that Alexandra will most likely be even worse when she grows up...

Talking of using your computer, I haven't used it very wisely some time now. I had this pile of papers on my desk. My "to-do-pile". Well. STUPID ME! I had a bunch of bills in it. And I forgot about them. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Fuck. So when I finally sat down to take care of the mess (that the cats have used as a bed), most of them were over-due, and will therefor cost more. IDIOTIC! I mean, it ain't as if we are starving here, but we aren't exactly swimming in money either. SO STUPID! *head-desk*

Also, spicehobbit, my dear best friend, is a horrible enabler. And should be spanked. Because not only is she a Downton Abbey fan, and has all the seasons on DVD... she threw them at me and promptly told me to watch them. So I did. Damn. It is a very good show! But then again, anything with Maggie Smith in it is bound to be glorious. And then... Then the little minx found another fangirl at her work. And considering the fact spicehobbit works as a cleaning lady at the hospital, well... I bet cleaning those boring corridors got a whole lot more fun! Because now those two walk around discussing Supernatural together! X-D And spicehobbit got to borrow the whole series from her workmate, one season at a time! So now we watch the first two and the last two episodes together, while we rush through the rest on our own, one of us at a time. *lol* So currently we are at season 3. I have watched all of it EXCEPT the last two episodes (NO SPOILERS!). It is a really good show, but it should have the under-title ANGST! *lol* So far, so good. We'll work our way through the rest of the series to, I am sure. :-)

I don't even know what I've been doing and why I haven't been posting... I just know that I've been all over the place lately. *sigh* As if this post didn't prove that. *lol*

Over and out. For now. *HUGS EVERYONE*

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

brother, supernatural, livejournal, peting, life, computer-time, games, my love, lj-crazyness, mom, tokio hotel, fanfic, tattoos, mother, sick, kid, friends

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