I don't get it. I really and honestly do not get it...
Maybe it is because I am Swedish and a history nerd. Not to mention a lover of all things Nordic mythology. I've read those stories since I was a kid, studied them for my own amusement. Maybe that is why?
I did enjoy Thor, although I laughed my big ass off at what they'd done with all them myths (Siv? A warrior-princess? Come on... X-D Not to mention Thor's friends there, geezes...) It was fun though, and what saved the whole cracky thing was Chris Hemsworth and the fact the movie didn't take itself seriously at all.
Then Avengers and in particular Loki took over Tumblr. Having me go: Huh? What? Why? And made me curious on said movie. So,
peting73 bought it.
We watched it yesterday, and it was fun! A really really fun action-movie, with great special effects and a great GREAT cast! Quite obvious it was a Whedon movie, to be honest... And personally I feel head over heels for Banner/Hulk. He owned that movie, seriously... ("I stay angry all the time..." And I'd try and knock out Thor to, honestly! X-D)
And then there was Loki...
Again, I really REALLY don't get it! Sure, Hiddlstone looks sorta good. Not the classical handsome man, but still he got something. He is a great actor to. No question about it.
But I don't get the worship I see on Tumblr. I don't. *shrug*
Maybe it is with this like with so many other fandoms these days: I am not meant to get it. :-P
*shrugs* *goes to play World of Warcraft*