Motherhood and fandom...

Aug 31, 2012 22:44

Been at the Child Wellfare Center today to! Well, as long as Alexandra is this small, we have to go there once a week. And today! FINALLY! She got approved. She is FINALLY gaining enough weight as she should according to the charts they have there! WOHOO! :-D Every time we've been there earlier all we've heard is that she is a bit to small and not gaining enough weight... and that the nurse was worried about me to and so on and so forth...

Well, today both me AND Alexandra got approved. *lol* I've grounded myself a lot and feel SOOOO much better now. :-) And then Alexandra got a stamp of approval to, which made both me AND peting73 feel so much better as well. :-)

Showed the nurse the book about bottle-feeding that I've borrowed at the library to, and she was very interested in reading it as well! (Swedish book: Att flaskmata with website HERE.) She'd heard about it before, but never got around to borrowing it. Well, now she asked me how should go about to do so, since I am a librarian and all... *lol* :-D I told her, and now she'll borrow it and read it as well. I mean, supporting breastfeeding is VERY important! But bottlefeeding moms should get support to! So even nurses might need to read up a bit at times. ;-)

Alexandra is clearly in a growth-spurt now, since during the day she eats A LOT and often! Which gives me even less time online... Bummer! But I am still OH so very excited about the FQF fics that will soon be posted on th_fanfic! I left a ton of prompts on the prompt-posts, and TWO got taken! :-D A dark one, even! MY! I can not WAIT to read it! And try to guess who wrote it... I suck at guessing writers, but I'll definitly give it a go. :-) I still re-read the dark-fic that teganscrush wrote me on the last FQF... Geez, that thing still moves me like no other fic has managed to... o.O So many writers so many fanfic so little time...

Talking about fanfic, I spread snowstormskies and my fanfic Let us hear you, let us feel you... the next chapter (nr 5) on a bunch of communities the other day so more could read it. Said chapter has been posted to THFiction to, and... things are about to get hot and heavy... ;-) *grin* Plus there's some serious plot that has showed it's ugly face as well! :-D

Go read it will you! And make sure to spread the word about it to. :-) That story deserves more readers, I feel...

THFiction, AO3
th_fanfic: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
tokiohotelslash: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
hydrafics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

According to THFiction it has been read 388 times (at this min) but only has 25 reviews... FAIL! And there is nearly no comments on it here on LJ. :-P There we go for writing a pairing not many are interested in. :-/ *pats the threesome*

I think I'll pimp it a bit more on G's Daily when posting tonight... :-)

And if this post wasn't obvious enough... Yeah, I do feel more and more like myself each day... just with added motherhood. ;-)

fanfic, my writing, kid, my fanfics, tokio hotel, family

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