Still home... and visits...

Aug 07, 2012 23:08

Nope. No Nerd Jr today either. *sigh* And I am getting increasingly clumsy. :-/ It is starting to become an effort to move around. I don't like it. I just want Nerd Jr to be here with us by now! Was scheduled for yesterday... Apparently Nerd Jr didn't agree. *sigh*

In an effort to get things going though, I've been somewhat productive today! I cleaned the bathroom and watered all the flowers (which all took longer then usual, but hey... I did it, so yay!).

When I was done with that and relaxing, peting73s best friend called and said they'd come over and say hi. Considering they live 8 hours from here further north in Sweden, I was quite surprised to hear this, but happy to! :-D So I made a kladdkaka/mudcake (easiest cake EVER to make!).

They said they'd be here a bit before peting73 would be off work, but of course not. Kiltfan and his wife are notriously late, with at least 20-30mins, so I even had time for a short nap. :-) Lovely, lovely!

Shortly after peting73 came home from work they did to, and we had a lovely time eating cake and talking and just hanging out. :-) Was great!

After that and dinner, we both took a nap here and then we've just taken it easy the rest of the evening... So it's been a good day, absolutly! Despite no Nerd Jr. ;-) Tomorrow perhaps? We'll see, I suppose. Only one that knows... and that's Nerd Jr.

And of course I found a link to share! :-D Surprised? Shouldn't be. ;-)

This is SUCH a perfect description about the odd traditions when it comes to us Swedes and christmas... I know, wrong season, but hell... It amused me. :-) Mostly because it is all true! :-D

Nordic Quack! - Sweden's bizarre tradition of watching Donald Duck cartoons on Christmas Eve

You DO NOT mess with Donald Duck in Sweden! X-D

peting, christmas, swedish things, my love, cleaning, kid, pregnancy, friends

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