An historical outing! And other stuff...

Jul 15, 2012 23:51

I will admit that I have had a really really good weekend. :-) peting73 took an extra day off, so he's been home Thursday - Sunday. It's been great ( Read more... )

kid, history, peting, pregnancy, shopping, family

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Comments 10

velociraptorx July 15 2012, 22:57:08 UTC
Are you doing a color scheme for Nerd Jr?? Or just kinda winging it? I know you aren't finding out the gender until s/he arives.. just wondering if you were decorating or anything in a certain color. :)

I like Medivial history myself and the house/castle sounds and looks really awesome. That really does sound awesome that they serve food that is produced on their own farms. That's awesome. :D


kseenaa July 16 2012, 14:21:19 UTC
Colour scheme? Now what might that be? *lol* Nah, we pick the colours WE like. :-) Highchair is blue... food-stuff to use (when he/she gets older) is green... clothing are black, black, black, red, white and did I mention black? The wallpapares are bluish/grey with a historic pattern on it.

The one thing we both wanted to avoid was a typical baby-room with all pink or all blue. None of us wanted that, since... well... we think it is a bit idiotic and kinda ugly. (No offense.) I mean, kids grow. And who says girl wants pink anyway? Or boys wants blue? And we don't plan on redo any wallpapers and such in the near future, no. :-P That is... in many, many years.

I know! :-D Torpa stenhus/stonehouse was really REALLY awesome! The house was gorgeous, and well the food... OMG! They breed deer and wild boar there, and I just... damn... DAMN the meat you could get there! o.O Not to mention the vegetables as well, I just... Orgasm in my mouth, I say!


velociraptorx July 16 2012, 16:04:27 UTC
Lol. I hear ya. I didn't do a theme with Verlina really. Everyone else picked out the htings for her, since we were broke and couldn't afford things - we found out the gender because everyone else wanted to know [and Brian.. I was the only one who wanted a surprise.. if I ever got pregnant again, I'm pretty sure I'll stick to being surprised. Lol.] But they chose pink.. and it is my favorite color, so I didn't mind. Now? Verlina has her own personality and she LOVES princesses [watched the video! Lol.] but she LOVES blue & green. It's a pain in the butt trying to find her those things. I have to agree with video though! I hate that colors/toys/etc is so gender based.. I hung out with Brian on Saturday and he taught Verlina that pink is a girl color and boys don't wear/like pink. I corrected that.. doubt it will sink in b/c of him & his family.. but/shrugs. I try to do what I can. Just can't wait until religion pops up with everything. >.< I just didn't know if you were sticking to a few colors to "decorate" with or what. >.I am so ( ... )


kseenaa July 16 2012, 16:48:40 UTC
Oh, I am quite convinced that Nerd Jr will get tons of gifts to... But since our relatives and friends know what kind of people we are, aka rockers and synth music lovers, they keep with the black alternative style for Nerd Jr to. ;-) Which I find quite awesome, because it means that hey... they accept us as a nerdy odd family and that's that. :-)

But if Nerd Jr turns into a Princess lover or a Super hero lover when she/he grows older? Well, alright then! Pink it is! Or whatever colour said super hero has! :-D But that's for later. :-)

I think it is a good thing you are correcting Brian when he says things like that, and will when religion comes in to. Since it is better for Verlina to know there are options. Even as a young kid. But that might just be my opinion. :-) See? This is the reason I think you are such an awesome mom!


ruchirahni July 16 2012, 14:05:47 UTC
IKEA!!! shopping at that store was both a nightmare and an adventure and so great because now i love all my furniture despite what i had to do to get it where it is now! i'll post about it soon.

SO COOL about that house and castle! awesome, so glad you got to go.. and that's awesome. i'd love to have a restaurant and a farm; what a brilliant idea.


kseenaa July 16 2012, 16:19:31 UTC
I love IKEA. :-) It is so so convenient and the furniture is so so nice. I think most of our furniture is from IKEA... Except our bed, because peting73 built that himself. *lol* And then we have some stuff we've inherited to, of course. But all our basic furniture? That's IKEA. :-)

Yeah, and it is so cool. I mean, they've located really old documents and such from 1400-1600's what was produced there and gone with the same thing. :-) I know you don't like meat, but they have deer and wild boar there! In HUGE enclosures! So they live really well, and man... You can taste that when you order said meat in the restaurant. I haven't eaten that well in a long time. :-) Not to mention all the vegetables were grown there as well. :-) (Yes, they had vegetarian options to.) It was a brilliant place, really. :-)


ruchirahni July 16 2012, 22:54:46 UTC
p.s- nice icon!!


kseenaa July 17 2012, 21:24:11 UTC
Well, I figured Game of Thrones was approriate since I wrote about medieval stuff... ;-)


zeph317toho July 17 2012, 01:21:09 UTC
Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend! That's wonderful! And you have just about everything you need for Nerd Jr.'s appearance into the world. It must be so exciting coming down to the last few weeks and getting all prepared! :D Hope he/she takes it easier on you for a while so you can get some rest before the big day.

That house is so cool! It's so hard to imagine a building being around for that long, especially since the U.S. has nothing that comes close to being so old. It would be really neat to tour it and especially try the food they grow right there. Glad you got to go there finally!


kseenaa July 18 2012, 21:22:05 UTC
Yeah, I really really had a fabulous weekend. :-) It was wonderful. I still can't believe I've missed Torpa Stenhus/Stonehouse when history and especially medieval history is such a huge interest of mine! Well. Now I know it is there. And I WILL return again! WITH Nerd Jr! Count on that! :-D *lol*

Here in Sweden you can find old buildings like that pretty much everywhere. And older. Even if mostly the roofs are gone. :-) I mean, we got historical sites from the bronze age and onwards! So if you are a history nerd... Come to Europe, that's all I am saying. Although I am sure the native americans have a lot of old history to. Even if it doesn't seem to count. :-P

And yes. Everything is prepared for Nerd Jr now. :-) Just doing the waiting game at the moment. ;-)


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