My personal opinion of them two bands: One Direction and Big Time Rush.

May 03, 2012 17:19

I am just gonna get this out and get it out here. I apparently have saddened a friend, and even though I am blunt and everyone knows it... it makes me a bit sad everytime it happens.

So rant. Here. Hang on to your hats. This might get ugly. But it is MY opinion. And I am entitled to have one to, right?

I feel flooded. And damn lonely. :-/ Why? Because this last month, two last months? Something like that... My flist, my tweet-list, my plurk-list, my tumbler-dash... it is OVER-RUN with One Direction and Big Time Rush. It's like a damn plague. Everywhere. Just... everywhere... these boys, that to me... is damn annoying.

Now, I am sure they are nice and friendly to everyone and supportive to great causes and all that.

But me? I REALLY dislike their music. I sure as hell don't see anything cute or pretty or sexy with any of them. I've checked them out, oh yes. I have no choice, now do I? Since I get flooded from left and right. I've even done Google-searches to try and find out what the hell it IS with these boys... Still. No. I've listened to their music. I've looked at photo-shoots and gifs. I've checked out music-vids and interviews.

Still. No. HELLS to the noes!

And apparently... I am alone in feeling like this. And it's like you are SUPPOSED to fall for them as soon as you see them.

Now... this plague and fan-movement reminds me of something else... Bare with me. I am kinda old... well, at least not young.

New Kids on the Block? Anyone remember them? Yes? No? This fanmovement going on right now reminds me A LOT of the fans of NKOTB back then. If you didn't like NKOTB back then, you were strange and usually got bullied for it. (School-years, bullying happened for much.)

And then there were all the bands that followed in NKOTB's wake. Anyone remember them today? Take That? Backstreet Boys? East 17? Five? Boyzone? Westlife? 'N Sync? Bros? Wet Wet Wet? No Mercy?

They all still make music. But they are far FAR from their old glory. Still, the insane flame that runs around, the plague around One Direction and Big Time Rush reminds me a lot of these bands. Even their music reminds me a lot of some of the above mentioned bands. And not in a good way. It's like someone took NKOTB, dusted them off, put on a new suit and presented them again. *shakes head*

Aaaaaand I'll probably lose friends over this... :-P And if you wanna filter your posts, be my guest. Do so. But I hope I can still read about YOU. Because if I friended YOU it is YOU I am interested in and wanna read about.

Enjoy your new fandom, people. Just don't force me into it.

confrontation, twitter, plurk, music, ranting, tumblr, interesting

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