VERY interesting documentary...

Mar 28, 2012 00:38

Dude. I just watched a documentary about Sarah Palin. A british documentary. Called Sarah Palin - you betcha!.

It was very interesting. The interviewer who traveled around Alaska interviewing people and tried getting an interview with Sarah herself was very polite. They were all open to find out who she was. Tried to talk to everyone. Very neutral and everything. Trying to find ALL sides of the view of Sarah Palin.

So it starts out neutral, even positive! But the more they dig around, the more ugliness they find...

And I gotta say... That is one SCARY woman... o.O I am glad she is far, far away in Alaska and not around here. And if she one day tries to become president? For GAWDS SAKE! Vote against her, will you?

Geezes... The apocalypse is coming? Only true Christians will survive? Only true faith is Christianity (think it is called revival-Christanity...) Thinking she is an anointed one...? No idea how Europe or East Asia looks like...? (Not interesting, since they are not "America", and hence the enemy...) Can't find on a map? Thinks education is overrated? Uses her positions in personal and family vendettas? Has followers online that threatens to kill people?

A scary, scary woman.... hiding behind a smile. *shakes head*

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movies, politics

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