Things that really REALLY annoy me!

Mar 26, 2012 23:49

You know... I really really like Twitter and Plurk and Tumblr. They are a lot of fun and an easy way to keep in contact with people and look at pretty pictures. And that is why I joined them ( Read more... )

twitter, pirates of the caribbean, drama, netiquette, plurk, pissed off, xenaverse, robin hood, ranting, tokio hotel, politics, tumblr

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Comments 18

tattooofhername March 26 2012, 22:38:02 UTC
Not to mention that 99% at least of the retweet/repost/etc or else!!! posts are completely pointless and actually do nothing whatsoever except making the person who posted feel like they've done something.


volare March 26 2012, 22:52:29 UTC
Slacktivism. Baaaaahhhhhh.


tattooofhername March 26 2012, 23:08:12 UTC
Successfully burying useful and genuine good causes for... probably as long as the internet has been around.


kseenaa March 27 2012, 23:30:41 UTC
Oh yes. So very, very true. :-/


lilliephoenix March 26 2012, 22:39:03 UTC
lol. i'm glad i'm not the only one.
it shouldn't surprise you that i'm of the same opinion though, because i think you're at the top of my tumblr faves list.
i really enjoy your blog. <3


kseenaa March 27 2012, 23:31:42 UTC
Nope, definitely not the only one. :-P Glad to hear my Tumblr can amuse at least a little what with my random reblogs. :-)


volare March 26 2012, 22:52:01 UTC


kseenaa March 27 2012, 23:32:27 UTC
And here I thought people would be pissed over this post... Glad I was very wrong. :-)


zukosphoenix March 26 2012, 23:01:49 UTC
I don't respond well to being guilted into something and I have no respect for those who choose that path and call it activism. If I believe in something, I will reblog it cause *I* want to, not because someone tells me I have to.


kseenaa March 27 2012, 23:33:42 UTC
Yeah, that is what annoys me the most. This hinted at that I am a BAD, BAD person if I don't retweet/reblog whatever it is... It's just... yeah, it just pisses me off. :-P


hexenhasel March 26 2012, 23:46:30 UTC
I've been on tumblr for so long that all that stuff doesn't even phase me. And if someone is really annoying, it's easier for me to unfollow them. I find tumblr is the biggest culprit of that.

I got on there for the pictures as well - not for the 'social activism'.


kseenaa March 27 2012, 23:35:24 UTC
Oh now, that is just another pack o' worms... I see a lot on both tumblr and tweeter (not so much on plurk) a lot of emo-posts/tweets about OH NOES! I LOST A FOLLOWER! WHATEVER IS WRONG WITH ME?!?! *shakes head* Teen-emo. Been there, done that, had enough of it. So I usually unfollow pretty quickly when I see it. :-P


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