Dat ass... needs a church of it's own. I had no idea the pic I posted of Khal Drogo's ass was from episode two of Game of Thrones. Apparently it was. Holy... o.O I'll just... be over here. Worshiping Khal Drogo's ass.
I think I am turning into a Khal Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen fan. And I ain't even sorry.
Talking about something totally different...
Seen this?
Facebook spies on phone users' text messages, report says Knew there was (yet another) reason I don't have a Failbook. :-/ *shakes head* I have just a few social network apps. Twitter, Plurk and Tumblr. That's enough for me. Let me know if anyone else is a spy, yeah?
Talking about social networking making an impact... I know there has been a lot of my friends on my f-list that has bitched and moaned about Livejournal and the russians and the DDOS attacks and the changes and I don't even know what... Well. You know what. Livejournal is important. And I am not talking about fanfiction and fandom-movements and such. Not at all. I am talking political and a platform for free speech. Don't know what I am talking about? Read this:
LiveJournal: Russia's unlikley internet giant... There is a reason why I don't mind supporting LiveJournal in any small way I can. By having paid RP-accounts (at least the ones I use regularly) and having extra userpics. Of course it is nice to have the extra bling, but... *shrug* It'll help keep LJ out there. :-)
Talking of journals, I have deleted my Dreamwidth account since I was far from comfortable there. So if you had me friended there, that would be the reason why I am gone from your DW flist. Or whatever it is called there.
I had a journal on Greatest Journal (dead site) and on Insane Journal to, but I've deleted everything. This is where it's at. Only here. Livejournal is my home. Take it or leave it.
And again, something totally different. :-)
I found some really REALLY awesome alternative takes on the Disney princesses the other day... that really talks to the darkfic fan in me. :-) I fell head over heals for this artwork.
All credit to
Jeffrey Thomas aka Jeftoon01 on DeviantArt. (Both clickable for BIG!)
Damn, I love these. :-D And he has all these short dark background stories for nearly each and everyone to (Maid Marion
HERE) that makes them even MORE awesome! Takes the classical story as it is... and then in the middle of it something don't go as planned... and things twists to the dark. Fucking amazing. My favorite is clearly Maid Marion. Such a badass.
Right, I am rambling. But it is in the middle of the night, so maybe not so strange. ;-) I'll just crawl to bed then. :-P