I did go to that birthday party yesterday after all, since I felt quite a bit better. I drove there alone, since
peting73 didn't wanna go. Now, I don't mind driving. Actually, I enjoy it quite a great deal, but I'd never visited M, and I do dislike driving in bigger cities. So I was a bit nervous about that, but I did find my way, and it went amazingly! I was so proud of myself! :-D I always have huge problems finding my way as soon as I am supposed to drive somewhere new, so yeah... That was great!
The birthday party wasn't as bad as I'd feared. I wonder if M had taken a chillpill or something? Hmm... Anyway, I got to meet
tekiila and L, three old friends that I used to do a LOT of stuff with while I was working for free for the Student Union Pub. :-D So much fun! Another guy who was also sorta active at the Student Union Pub was there as well, a guy called Brain. He is AWESOME! One of the nerdiest people I know! *lol* And an old friend of
peting73, so I was told to give my best to him when coming home. And to tell
peting73 that he failed for not coming. *grin*
I had quite a good time, discussing weird stuff with people I didn't know, talking with my friends... eating good food and dessert that M had fixed. Checking out M's and J's new house that they'd recently bought. It was quite fun. (Although I did a mayor face-palm when M said how much money she'd spent on curtains alone for the house... Around 8000 swedish crowns / 1130 USD... Girl, you could have gotten curtains just as nice for less then HALF that price! *shakes head*)
Right so, apart from that me and
peting73 has continued working on redoing our apartment (parts of it, anyway). It goes slowly, but we do progress every day. Reason why it goes so slowly? Because I've saved SO MUCH SHIT! GEEZ! *head-desk* Crazy, really really crazy... So I am throwing away a ton of stuff, and I know
peting73 is to. Feels good though, even if it takes a bit longer a time.
And while working on throwing away stuff I am contemplating to buy more... X-D *lol*
I was surfing YouTube today a bit, and found this little gem. The most famous voice ever!
Don LaFontaine: The Voice
Click to view
And surfing on looking at old trailers (for some reason I find this amusing), I stumbled on this one...
Click to view
Corey Haim in his prime...
Patricia Arquette... Post-apocalyptic world without adults... Neo-nazism bad guys... drugs... gangs... rollerblading stunts...
The Rollerboys is just one of those B-movies that I just can't help but love. :-) At first I thought it was from the mid 1980's, but I was wrong! It was actually made 1990! Neato! And I thought one couldn't get a hold of it either, but I was wrong there to! Can buy it right here in Sweden for 99 swedish crowns / 14 USD! Oh, I so want that old movie... I had it on a video-tape when I was young, but it disappeared I believe... :-) Tempting, tempting...
Oh, and I saw this the other day that made me grin... Mick Mars of Mötley Crüe fame did an interview for
Gibson (since he uses their guitars, I assume), and it was a really fun and nice interview to read! He seldom gives interviews, pretty much being the quite guy of the band. I did get a chuckle reading that interview though... Practice, practice, practice... Gustav, my dear... You're not a Crüehead in disguise to, are you? *wicked grin*
Mötley Crüe's Mick Mars talks Las Vegas, new music and guitar... And lastly, THANK YOU for all the crystal hearts I've been given! I haven't sent anyone myself (fail me) but thank you so, so much for those that sent me one. :-D Thank you, thank you!