Music, music! And some more stuff...

Nov 02, 2011 22:14

What? o.O So many lurkers lurking around my LJ!!! I don't check how many follow me / friend me, but I did today... 172 people!?!??!?!!!! WHAT THE HECK?!??!! I had no idea I was THAT interesting? Dudes... *is flabbergasted* o.O

Better get going and write something fun and/or interesting then, hmm? :-P

Not that my life is that much fun. :-P Well, considering what you compare to, I suppose. I don't know what was up with me today. I could actually sleep in today, so I did so. I haven't done that in a while. And then I had such big plans of both doing laundry AND cleaning up here a little! Ha! Well, I got the laundry done, but then my energy just... flew out the window, I think. I just... didn't have the energy to do anything else. :-/ So I've been hanging out here in front off the computer and in front of the TV. Bad me. :-P I mean, I got housework that kinda NEEDS doing, no matter how much I dislike it. :-/ But to do that, I need that runaway energy....


I still have a ton of links I want to share, so I'll just go and do that. :-) Yesterday it was a mixture of serious and fun stuff... Today music. :-)

But first!

This is just insane! And so funny to read! X-D It kinda fucks with your mind a bit, doesn't it? ;-)
6 insane discoveries that science can't explain... on Cracked.Com

And then there is this. About us. The slash-fans. :-) Because, as you know... we are one HELL of a force to reckon with... as this site-administrator has discovered. ;-)
The fans are alright

Right, so music...

As you know, apart from listening to Tokio Hotel, I have lately been on a slight Eminem and Mötley Crüe high... Yeah, my taste in music is wide and quite weird. *lol*

And today, having no energy, I checked through my favorite vids with Eminem. And man, that man is so CUTE when he interacts with kids! The big bad man from the 'hood really turns into mush then, doesn't he? Not to mention these music vids are quite serious as well, and very personal if you listen to the lyrics. Fuck, I love his lyrics... He sure is a word-magician. Amazing, since he dropped out of highschool to work...

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That man... with kids... I am pretty much dying here....

Eminem is very private with his personal life, but I know he had Hailie Jade with his ex-wife Kim... but I didn't know he has also adopted two girls, his niece Alaina and a daughter that Kim had with another man, Whitney. Only girls... I guess he wants them to have a better life then he did...

I ADORE this quote the man did...

(On if he let's his daughter listen to his music) Yeah, I do. Not all of it I play for her. Some songs, got a lot of cussing, especially the one she's on. So I make her a clean version. 'Cause I protect my Child! Not yours! Rest of the kids I don't care about - buy my album, go murder, rape, pillage, kill!"
(Taken from IMDB.Com)

Eminem? Don't EVER change! X-D

Right, so MORE music! :-D

This music-vid was tweeted by one of the many, many people I follow on Twitter... I don't remember who, but I thought it was really fucking awesome! Such a cool music-vid! It gets even cooler the longer you watch it... ;-)

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Such amazing coordination!

And lastly this music vid, that just puts a HUGE smile on my face, everytime I watch it! :-D

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I love how David Tenent turns into SUCH a fanboy there at one point... Makes me crack up every time!

Right so, I'll shut up for now and either play some World of Warcraft or catch up on my f-list... or both at the same time! Multi-tasking FTW!

pimping, livejournal, eminem, lj-crazyness, life, music, fun stuff

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