The week from... well, not Hades, but almost...

Sep 22, 2011 00:52

This week... THIS WEEK people! MY GAWD! *head-desk*

Let me break it down to you...
  • Sunday evening (when I wrote that drabble-prompt-call, whatever you wanna call it) I had nearly no work planned for this week at all, only a few hours Thursday. But thing is, being hired by the hour... You never really now...

  • Monday morning. I get up at around 7:30am. Around 7:45am, they call from the small school-library where I've worked plenty of times, in slight panic. All the librarians are sick. Can I come work from 8:45am to 12:15pm? That is, in an hour. PANIC! Shower, breakfast and getting a ride from peting73 and I was there.

  • While working, I called and scheduled time with my hairdresser and called booked a meeting with the boss of the big main library in town. Working went well, and I went home and started to do a big cleaning of the apartment while also writing prompts...

  • Tuesday I go down town to the main library to meet their boss. While waiting my phone calls. And another library in the neighbouring city/community called. Could I come work Friday morning at the school library there between 8am to 12:15pm? Now this is a library I have NEVER been to. I hardly know my way to said city/community. I have no key there. And I have never been there. But hell, I never say no to a challenge, so I said yes. Might also add that on Friday I have planned to meet up with chigrima in the afternoon in Gothenburg. It would be stressful, but I figured I would be able to make it.

  • Then I had the meeting with the boss of the main library which went REALLY FUCKING WELL, THANK YOU!!!! :-D WOOT! She is quite new on the post and was really nice and interesting to talk to. We discussed fantasy books, scifi books and their place in a library... Not to mention comics and graphic novels in a library (the subject off my masters thesis, thank you very much...). They are planning to expand their collections in all those genres. Colour me happy! :-D And she told me that I was free to come with suggestions off books and graphic novels! WOOT! :-D

  • Done there, I left and went home. On my way home I was called again. This time from the small school-library AGAIN! They asked me to work Wednesday from 8:45am-12:15pm. Which would collide with my scheduled time with my hairdresser, but work comes first so I said yes.

  • Once home I called and re-scheduled my meeting with the hairdresser. Fell asleep on the couch. Got to cleaning late. Wasn't done until 8:30pm. *face-palm* My own fault that.

  • Today, Wednesday, I worked on the little school-library between 8:45am and 12:15pm as agreed. Worked fine.

  • Then I went home, had some lunch and started the first two loads of laundry and then went down to my appointment at the hairdresser. Sat down and waited a bit. Until she asked me what I was doing there. Apparently I had misheard. The appointment was not for today, but for tomorrow. During which time I am working. *face-palm* After some talking and here and there we managed to move it ahead an hour, so I can cut my hair tomorrow anyway.

  • Then I went home, changed loads of laundry. While in the laundry room my phone called. From the main library. They asked me if I could work some evenings next week, but since I didn't have my calender with me, he emailed me the hours so I could see if I was scheduled for another library or not.

  • Finished cleaning the last in the apartment (it fucking shines now...). While doing THAT, they called from the library in the neighbouring city/community discussing back and forth how to work Friday out when I was to work at that school-library, and coming to the conclusion that it wouldn't work at all since I've never been there and didn't have a key or anything... So that was not to be. A HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders, thank you. :-P I hope I can work there at another time though.

  • Once done cleaning, I checked my email, an yes. I can work those hours at the main city library. 3pm-8pm Monday and Tuesday and then 4pm-8pm on Friday. Works fine. :-)

To say my mind has been ALL OVER these last days would be an understatement, geezes christ! o.O I am very happy that I got along so well with the boss of the main city library though! I hope that will be useful in the future. :-) But I can not WAIT for the weekend to arrive now... :-P

Plan for the rest of the week and the weekend is:
  • Thursday, tomorrow, work between 9am to 2:30pm. And get a haircut at 3pm.

  • Friday, sleep in. And then go to Gothenburg whenever I feel like it. Meet up with chigrima in the afternoon/evening. spicehobbit might join in.

  • Saturday, help peting73 to prepare for his little beer and whisky feast here in our apartment that he'll have together with his workmates. Spend the evening with spicehobbit on a ladydate at her apartment where we'll cook dinner together and then get drunk and then go out dancing making fools of ourselves. :-D

  • Spend the night in spicehobbits sofa bed.


job search, work, cleaning, life, stress, friends

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