Some pimping.... and that meme: Day 09 -- Your beliefs...

Aug 28, 2011 00:57

Man, has the weather been weird today.... It's been raining like no tomorrow, and thunder and some lightning. Not windy, just... rain, rain, rain... Sure, we get rain here to, but weather like this? Not quite as common. The sky was black! It was needed though, I think. Because the air has had a bit of a fuggy damp feel and just... bah. After the ( Read more... )

pimping, life, fun stuff, memes

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Comments 8

astroflammante August 28 2011, 13:21:51 UTC
According to what I've read on LJ, scaring off missionaries is an acceptable sport to many people, so I don't think too many of your readers will be upset with you for that. Especially considering the kind of people your audience consists of... *grins*

I mean, I'm definitely some sort of slightly new-agey spiritual person (I've been researching modern druidism lately) and I heartily agree that missionaries needs to be told to fuck off. If at all possible in some funny and reasonably polite way.

Although my personal best in this kind of sport was entirely unintentional... I just opened the door and said hello! I was preparing for a night out, possibly at Epsilon. So, you know, head-to-toe black and the *seriously* Goth make-up. For some reason, they more-or-less turned and ran... :-D


kseenaa August 29 2011, 07:38:08 UTC
I have an audience? *checks userinfo* Oh christ, I do don't I? :-P I wonder what it is with me that has 160 people follow my rambles? O.O

But your serious goth-makeup is so sexy! It shouldn't have scared off people! *grin* ;-) I wish I could do makeup like that. :-P I have never been good at doing them swirly things that you are so good at.

I think my personal best was them nuns. X-D


rule_number_7 August 30 2011, 17:09:41 UTC
My mother actually put up a small sign under our doorbell. No Jehovah's Witnesses (No disrespect intended). Works. Now they just leave a pamphlet in our mailbox without ringing :D It's amusing to hear what people do to get rid of them or things they can think up. Like one man I know once said: answer the door naked. lol Different things. It's fun :P I mean, they can believe what they want, as you said, but the whole door to door thing is annoying as all hell. Especially when you have dogs who like to bark when someone is at the door :/


kseenaa August 31 2011, 10:46:36 UTC
Yeah, I wonder what it is with some religious faiths that has them go on pilgrimages like that. The Mormons are just the same! *sigh* I haven't had the pleasure off scaring off Mormons yet though.... I am looking forward to that one day. ;-)


ruchirahni August 31 2011, 14:57:36 UTC
So, apparently I live with God. That would explain a lot of things... *lol*

i laughed out loud. >:D

i can't stand the forcing of religion onto others, too, especially since i consider myself more of a spiritual than religious person. if there was anything, any sort of god/spirituality/anything around us, i hardly believe that there would be ONE right one. i wish everyone could see that and stop forcing people to be things that they're not.


kseenaa August 31 2011, 19:12:17 UTC
*grin* X-D

Well, it's true ain't it? Religion is one of the big things people start wars over. :-/ Because someone thinks another religion is wrong and.... the snowball is rolling. :-P Which is nuts since most religious beliefs are about love... and instead it is used for hate. :-P


ruchirahni September 1 2011, 18:52:55 UTC
it'd be nice if religion was about love, and initially it is. but reeeeeeeally it's about money and power. :P i found out this summer that the vatican only donates 3% of its profits to charity. and they recommend that everyone ELSE donate 10% of their income!! such hypocrisy. I guess they need to, to maintain their stronghold on being the largest landowners!


kseenaa September 4 2011, 22:25:29 UTC
Oh yeah, you are right there.... Lets not get into what the catholic church lead by the Pope and the Vatican has been up to during history.... Chilling, really if you think about it. So it is nothing new that the leaders of the Vatican are hypocrite bastards all of them.


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