Meme about me and my LJ...

Jul 05, 2011 23:29

From steinsgrrl. About me and my LiveJournal. :-)


What is your LiveJournal username? How did you come up with it?

My username, kseenaa, comes from a nickname I got when I was active in the student union, the name on my personalized icons: KSena. I would have taken that as an LJ-name, but alas... it was already taken. So I misspelled the name on purpose, adding an extra E and an extra A. :-) Ergo kseenaa. The nickname KSena itself is also a misspelling of sorts...
Everyone got a nickname of sorts once you got to hang with the other active students at the student union. And since I was never ashamed off me being such a HUGE fangirl of Xena, and talked about it now and then..... well, quite often sometimes... They thought to call me Xena! But no... Can't just give me such a cool name. Can't have that. So they misspelled it. Changing the X to KS, since it is pronounced the same way in swedish. And there you have it. My nickname. KSena. It stuck and now I answer to it just as easily as my given name. :-)

Have you renamed before? If so, what were your old names? If you haven't renamed, what names would you want to rename to?

Nope. Never renamed. IF I were to rename it would be to get the correct spelling: ksena

How much does your userinfo say about you?

*checks* It seems pretty accurate. :-) So yeah, it says most there is about me. Then, of course, if you scratch on the surface there is more. ;-) But to get a quick check on who I am? Yeah. :-) It seems pretty accurate. I'll leave it up to my long-time people on my f-list to correct me if I am wrong.

How long have you been on LiveJournal?

Oh gawd. To long to be healthy! *lol* I've had this LJ since December 2003 (first post...) when I was the most active in the student union and worked my butt off for them AND tried to study for a masters as well....

What is the longest amount of time you've gone without posting?

*checks* During 2007 I wasn't so active apparently... Was a spot there where I didn't post for 3 ½ week... That must be the longest.

On average, how many entries do you post per day? (Divide how many total entries you have by how many days you've been on LJ.)

One, sometimes two. But usually just one. I try to post every day, since I want to. I like to write out my posts... But sometimes that doesn't work out. :-)

Not good at math, but after that equation I get this: 0,5 (1286/2761). (This was a neat site to see how many days between two dates, btw: HERE!) So half a post in average, apparently. :-)

Also the numbers on my profile:
Created on 2003-12-14 10:32:47 (#1562626), last updated 2011-07-04
7,944 comments received, 51,118 comments posted

What are your posts normally about?

Life, my thoughts, what I do... Friends, family, work... Fandoms, movies, books...... Just stuff... :-) Whatever pops up in my head when I sit down and start writing.

Is your LiveJournal friends only? Why or why not?

Nope. During all these years it has never ever been locked. Always been open for anyone to read. I have done ONE locked post. ONE. And that was because I didn't want peting73 to see it (he didn't have an LJ at the time) since it was about my plans for his birthday that year.

Does your LiveJournal have an actual title or are you merely USER @ LiveJournal?

kseenaa @ LJ apparenlty when I check.... I should change that, so at least it is spelled right! *laugh* Ah well...

How long do you see yourself staying on LiveJournal?

You mean I could leave? X-D *laugh* Nah, joke aside... I have gotten so many many good friends here I just can't see myself leave at all. I am stuck here, and very happy about it.


How many people are on your friendslist, not counting private journals, media journals, etc?

Not counting private journals? X-D Well, then there is no one! *laugh* Currently I follow 93 journals and 223 communities. (I don't read all them communities activly though, even if I do read every singly post on peoples journals).

Why do you choose to add a person to your friendslist?

Hmmm... Tough one. It depends. Some people I am curious at... I just click with them when why chatt through comments in a community. I like what I see and what I get from said discussion and then I add them. Some people add me, and then I am curious as to who they are... and add them. Since my LJ is so open though, I don't keep track of all the people adding me. :-) If you wanna read? Be my guest. ;-)

Is your friendslist an actual list of people you consider friends, or more of a reading list?

Both. :-) Mostly I consider them friends though. I would love to have a party with you all! A bit hard to fix though, but a girl can dream, right? Some of those I have on my flist I haven't gotten to know that well yet, so those I just follow with interest. :-) And then there are those I have followed for yeeeeaaaaars that I consider friends. And then there are those that are actually my RL friends. :-) So sooner or later I most likely WILL start consider you my friend if I keep you on my flist. ;-)

How often do you read your friendslist?

Several times a day. It is an addiction, I swear.

Do you use filters when viewing your friendslist?

Not for my friends-list, no. For my community-list however, yes.

How much do you talk to people on your friendslist off of LiveJournal?

A little. :-) There is a few I have on AIM, MSN, G!Chatt or Yahoo!.

Do you do friends cuts? Why or why not?

Sometimes I do. When my flist gets out of hand and I just can't keep up, I go through it and check it over... Who have I added lately? Who have I connected with? Who do I still chatt with through comments regularly? And then cut accordingly. :-) I never mean any harm by it, and I have yet to cut anyone out of anger... It has just not happened yet.

Do you regularly participate in friending memes? If not, how do you normally find people to friend?

It has happened, and I have gotten some pretty good friends out of it. Some I don't click with, so those I usually cut shortly after, but that happens during friending memes.

How often do you add new friends to your friendslist?

Not very often. Only when someone's comments catches my eyes... It has happened I've been asked to add an LJ as well! *lol* Then I have, and well... Sometimes it works out, and I connect to said person and sometimes it doesn't and I cut them again.

Do your friends have to have things in common with you?

Well, usually I do have a reason for adding their LJ to my reading list. ;-) So yes, they do. I like a lot of different things, but they usually share one or two of my interests.


How many userpics do you get maximum? How many of those slots do you actually use?

Since I have actually bought ONE extra large package and have a permanent account... I can have 278 icons in total. And I use all slots.

Do you mostly use icons made by yourself or by others?

I don't have the skill or patience to make icons myself, so I use those made by others far more skillful then me. :-)

Do you have your own icon community? How often do you post in it?

Nope, I don't. :-)

What fandoms are most frequently seen in your userpics?

I have been and am involved in soooo many fandoms, there are icons from all... But right now them boys from Germany have taken over my icons-list. So there is mostly Tokio Hotel there.

How do you find icons to use?

I follow A TON of graphics-communities and also fandom-related communities where icons are posted.

How often do you upload new icons to use in your userpics?

Now and then... sometimes several times a day. When I find new ones.

Which of your userpics do you use the most?

Geezes, I can't say! I have so many... I have no idea.

Which of your userpics do you like the most?

I like them all! I really do. But one of my many, many favorites is this one:

Because it is damn true. (Icon made by dothestarswyou)

The old minimum number of userpics was three. Could you see yourself "surviving" on three userpics now?

Oh my gosh, NO! Oh, the horror... Only three!

What do your userpics say about you?

That I am a fangirl and a perv, with a twisted sense of humour?

livejournal, life, memes

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