Yet another drabble/ficlet...

Apr 25, 2011 22:49

Last day of four where I have been off work. It has been BLISS! No, I don't particularly celebrate Easter.... It is a more a case of the fact it is FINALLY spring... The weather has turned summer almost over night. It is amazing. I am so wearing my Utilikilt-copy to work tomorrow. :-) Dug out my Converse-copies with skulls on them to. My Docs will ( Read more... )

my writing, movies, my fanfics, pirates of the caribbean, life, music

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Comments 4

danglingdingle April 26 2011, 23:33:47 UTC
It's heartbreaking, darling. I can only wish that Jack and Elizabeth can linger for a bit, for proper goodbyes. Yesyes?


kseenaa April 27 2011, 05:44:47 UTC
Seeing your prompt, I wanted Will to ferry them.... But I had to give it some thought before I could write it down. Once I started though, it went easy. And honestly? I have no idea how it would end.... Would they stay? Would they be ferried? I honestly don't know. Hence I left it open.

Anyway, I am glad you.... liked it? :-P A bit to heartbreaking to enjoy fully, perhaps. :-)


ruchirahni April 28 2011, 04:01:58 UTC
Blooming here too!! All of a sudden we have cherry blossoms. It's lovely


kseenaa April 28 2011, 05:58:50 UTC
Yeah, it really is like we got summer over night. :-) Not that I am complaining, mind you. ;-)


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