Shagging meme! Ehr...

Apr 22, 2011 23:52

It's the cliff, marry, shag meme! And dammit, if das_mervin did give me some seriously hard choices, geezes.... I'd much prefer to shag them all, but OK... Here goes.

1) Comment to this and (if you want) I will give you 3 (fictional) people.
2) Post this meme to your LJ with your answers.
3) Provide pictures/text descriptions and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and (push off a) cliff.


Scruffington. Come on. The man is a sailor. AND is on a stint as a pirate (I happen to think Norrington would kick ass as a pirate, thank you...). Plus he is a bit depressed after failing to catch the Black Pearl and crew.... losing his own ship and crew in a storm ending up in Tortuga and turning pirate himself... The man needs some comfort, clearly. And a bath. ;-) I am sure we could have a lot of fun during that bath....


Eomer. A noble man of Middle Earth... that can kick ass... and ride a horse like a mother fucker (tigh-muscles! o.O)... and has a ton of honor, but can still crack a joke and flash of a smile. I mean, he clearly is not fly with how people treats his sister... but totally cool with her kicking ass herself, even if he is slightly protective of her. And his king and country... to the point where he got thrown into exile with his men... It doesn't hurt that he is the next in line to the throne of Rhoan after Théoden's son Théodred died.... Yep. I'd go for him. And shag him while at it.

Push of a cliff:

Spike. SORRY SPIKE! Spike the second souled vampire... and is still way more badass then Angel who only broods and is all woo is me. Even before he had a soul and was more or less a monster in a human body, Spike was still very faithful and loving to the vampiress who created him, Drusilla... which made him a bit unique among the Buffyverse vampires. I'd throw him off a cliff mostly because he is a vampire and would survive said fall... and he bleeds so prettily. ;-) Dump a ton of blood in him and he'll be back to health in no time. And then I can shag him to! :-D

Well, I did say I'd prefer to shag them all. *wicked grin*

Today we haven't done much at all. To have four days off is bliss. BLISS!!! :-D We've been out for dinner today, which was lovely thank you! Even if the restaurant wasn't opened yet when we got there... so we had to go to another one. A good place, even if it wasn't quite as good as the one we'd originally wanted to go to. Ah well. We decided to try and go out for dinner once a month at least. Sounds good to me, says I. Mostly because we hardly see each other during the weeks, since peting73 is working the second shift at his work, he is still asleep when I leave for work. And when he comes home from work, I have already gone to bed. :-P Gladly I end work early on Fridays, and peting73 don't work Fridays at all, so it still works. :-) We get a bit longer weekends, which is nice.

Tomorrow we plan to go to the zoo here and enjoy the sun. The weather has been REALLY nice lately. Summer weather, really. Other then that, I plan to do my ironing and watch 8th Mile tomorrow. Never got around to today. :-P Exciting times! Or not... *grin*

movies, my love, peting, pirates of the caribbean, life, buffy/angelverse, memes

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