A small update on my latest post. This friday I went to talk to another guy at the employment office, and apparently a lot of people are not up to date with there rules. Either that, or he was lying to me. :-P Since you don't have to go to a trainee job to get more support. It is enough that you actually look activly for work. That I have been doing constantly since I got sacked, you know... So that is good news, I suppose. I'll go on an information meeting about this shit some more, and then make my decision. As he said, if you say yes, and then feel your forced into something you don't like, you can always decline. Very true that, so yeah. I'll take my chances with there rules and see where it is going. As long as nothing effects the hours I do work or my ability to accept more hours, I have no problem. To be conintued, in other words.
I am a bit behind on my
Sketchavember, but that will have to wait a bit. I am slightly hungover today, and one of my eyes are acting up a bit, so no photos for today.
Was at a dinner/drinking party at one of
peting73s workmates last night. It was awesomely fun, and they are both really nice people. As is most of
peting73s workmates, actually. Lots of drinking was done and lots of yummy food was eaten. It was great. And yes, I got drunk, quite a bit. :-P But not to much so. I left before
peting73 at 2:30am. Apparenlty he didn't leave until around 4am. X-D He also drank some more then me, so yeah... He is slightly hungover today. I'll just leave him in the sofa. ;-) He don't even wanna play WoW... He is pretty hungover then. ;-) *pats him carefully*
But it is a very special day today still... Because today
spicehobbit has her birthday! WOHOO!!!
She is seriously my best friend in the world! I wouldn't know what to do without her. No words, people. No words for how awesome she is. :-D She is currently on a trip to our capital Stockholm to watch a play in a theater, and I do hope she has a brilliant time. :-) She loves theatrical plays and musicals, so I am sure she does have a great time. As I am sure I'll get a full report when she gets home. *grin* I have a brilliant gift waiting for her, and I think I'll try to get her to watch The Deathly Hollows Part I with me next week. We have seen all the others together, so I think that would be a suitable way to celebrate, yeah? :-D
Awesome plans for next week, in other words!