Happy Belated Halloween! + Sketchavember!

Nov 02, 2010 22:49

First off, HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone that has celebrated it! :-D I hope you had a brilliant time, all of you.

(Click for bigger, if you dare... Manip made by the amazing 4am_secret, all credit to her.)

I haven't written anything about the LARP this Saturday yet. Fail! :-P Anyway, it was AMAZING! Vampire-LARP on Halloween usually is. :-)

All vampires in the city had been invited to a gathering to honor the memory of the loved ones they had lost. Of course Rose brought some of her memorabilia from Bielke, which she kept an eye on like a hawk the entire evening, worrying that someone might take anything from her. (She is just a wee bit obsessed...) It just happened once... The crucifix that she has after Bielke was stolen, but soon found. Around the neck of another, who had been possessed by Bielkes ghost. X-D Good lord. That ghost will haunt her for the rest of her life! Well, unlife... *laugh* But that wasn't the only haunting that evening. The GM's were very clever, and had prepared a ton of little notes that they subtly handed out during the evening. On the notes there were a short text telling you what happened to your character, and then you had to act it out accordingly. :-) It was fucking brilliant! I think Rose ended up falling in love in three different characters during the evening, all three times ending up in a jealousy threesome drama. :-P So, that was awesome! And then she ended up believing that if someone shaped there hand like a gun, she thought it was a real gun, and so got shot with it... only to wake up a moment later, wondering what happened... Oh, it was amazing! And since there was a ton of notes handed out, stuff happened all the time around us. So brilliant. :-) So that was definitly fun! I hope they'll use notes like that again, since it brought so much to the game!

I don't know how many of you are friended to the amazing Da Croak aka croaky? But you should be. She is amazing, and also damn funny, with a black sense of humor. ;-) Not to forgot, a brilliant artist. :-) She has this project each year that she calls Sketchavember, to celebrate creativity. I didn't join in last year. Hell, I can't draw and I can't use Photoshop or anything like it. I didn't feel like I could contribute anything. I can't even write. Well, more then really short drabbles. :-P This year I thought I would join in however, so here is my first contribute. :-) I borrowed peting73 epic camera and took two close up photos. The first one didn't quite turn up the way I thought it would, but the second one turned out quite alright. :-)
For more info about read here:

Join in, why don't you? :-D

My orchid is about to bloom, and I check the buds every single day... I hope it will bloom sometime during this month, so I can take a photo of the blooms to. :-) It didn't turn out the way I wanted, but hey... For a person who hardly knows how to work a camera as complicated as hubby's, not bad. X-D

This on the other hand turned out just the way I wanted to. :-) These are two of my candle holders made out of crystal glass from KostaBoda. I really liked how this turned out, I must say. :-) Although I have no idea how I did it with the camera.... X-D

halloween, vampire-larp, sketchavember

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