Being checked up by family...

Sep 18, 2010 23:56

Yesterday peting73s mother came over to visit to check up on me. Was nice. And in the morning we even managed to clean up the apartment a little. I helped as much as I dared to, but after that slight clean up, I felt sorta drained. It felt good actually doing something, though. peting73s mom was glad to see I was up and about and that I looked much stronger. No wonder. Last time she saw me I was more or less knocked out in a hospital bed. :-P She stayed a few hours and we talked and had a general good time. :-)

In the afternoon/evening I continued to work through my f-list. Slowly, ever so slowly I am getting there. Of course a fic-fest had to be posted when I was knocked out, so I had a shit-load of fanfics to read through. A pleasurable problem though, since all was bloody brilliant. (Only, why why why go with the classical pairing in a fandom? Some variation please! There are so many other odd and wonderful pairings to pick. *sigh*) Had fun reading up on all that though. :-)

Today peting73 cousin came over to visit. She is wonderful, really cute and fun. She does have a small mental handicap and lives at a residence run by cooperative really close by, almost neighboring our apartment-building. I really do like her a lot, and she loves to come visit us, or that we visit her. As soon as something happens that is not... a regular occurrence in your day? She gets a wee bit excited and wants to start planning things and such, so the fact that I ended up in a hospital and had surgery got her all wired up and she wanted to help me, visit me, care for me and I don't know what... Luckily peting73, his mom and her parents managed to calm her down somewhat. Also, I called her from the hospital so she calmed down from that to. She really does mean well, and when she cares about someone, she really really does. Apparently she embraced me with open arms when I ended up with peting73. She being only a few years younger then peting73 and they more or less grew up together, they are very close so whatever happens to him is Important Stuff. I guess that makes me Important Stuff. :-D

Anyway, I promised her she could come visit when I got home and felt stronger, so today she did. It was wonderful, it really really was. We had to lock our cats in the bedroom first though, since she is really scared of animals, especially dogs and cats. They didn't mind, having food and there litterbox in there to. She brought me cookies since when your sick, you do need chocolate, after all. And then we talked and had general nice time and ended the visit with a short walk. It felt wonderful to take a walk and yes move around again. The upper part of my scar don't hurt the least bit, I don't feel that part at all. The lower part however is not in pain, but I do... feel it, you know? Hard to describe, but... *shrug* Anyway, after the walk, we stopped by peting73s cousins residence to drop her off before we went home. It was really lovely. :-)

This evening has, again, been spent in front of the computer. :-) No vampire-LARP tonight. I doubt I would be able to LARP the entire night away yet... Instead me and peting73 played a bit of World of Warcraft together. He has leveled a dwarf paladin on the server I play the tiny mighty Caina, so he can be my personal healer. It is so much more fun to play together with peting73 then trying to find groups alone to do regular dungeons with or heroic dungeons. And being a tank with a personal healer? You find groups very very easily. ;-) So that was a lot of fun actually!

I have also read up on my LJ-communities, so I am all caught up on those now. Gonna try to get caught up on my LJ-friends next, so if you get random comments on old entries by me? That would be the reason. ;-)

Got a text from my cousin V today to, and apparently my aunt and her family plan to come visit on Wednesday... Meaning I'll get to see Ella-Bella for the first time in a whole year, since she is home on vacation from her work at Sheraton on the Maldives*! I can't wait to give her a proper hug instead of the cyber-hugs I have been giving her this past year. Much awesome next week, in other words!

* Yes, TH-fans... That Sheraton... *cough*

fanfic, vampire-larp, lj-crazyness, life, family, world of warcraft

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