Post-AP Fallout LARP: The fate of Katya Hollander and my thoughts...

Jul 04, 2010 21:26

To LARP outside, in a village with no contact what so ever with the real world is... Interesting, to say the least. Those meta-humans and meta-animals? That will hunt you down and kill you? They exist. You hear them in the woods around your village. That ghoul? That can talk, but still wanna eat you up by tracking you down? He to, sneaks around the village, and sometimes in the village. It is there. All of it. Men and women drooling down your bra... paying you for your... services. Especially the butcher who has... certain special tastes as it were, and prefers to use you... The shy Sheriff who you try to get close to without using your body.... The brothelkeeper, your only protector, is there... demanding you work from the moment you wake up until you go to bed. The traveling Postmen who are strong fighters and dare to travel in this broken world is there.... offering to stay and open an office, hence your village can keep contact with other villages. The nomads that has figured out a way to clean the tainted water, but disliked your brothel and wanted to destroy your reputation... the reputation of the village in fact. Your ex-husband, who somehow have managed to create drugs in his house, and is destroying the village with said drugs... and tries to hook you on them to before he got insane and tried to kill you and your brothelkeeper (and was so killed by the sheriff in the village). The shop-keeper who is hooked on drugs and tried to kill your college, the unwilling callboy, and then died from lack of drugs. And the son... the one you thought you had lost... is also there, trying to create a new life in a world destroyed by nuclear waste....

Yeah. :-) I had a blast! Much happened, and I have probably forgotten half of it already, but dammit. That was one hell of a LARP! The area we were in was awesome to! A village built up by the army that they use for practice.... and that is rented by the paintball club to. It had houses with roof, rooms and everything. Dirty as hell, of course, but sturdy built (not for winter living though...). Fit perfectly for the setting, I'd say. And the organizers/GMs had dragged old furniture there so there was furniture in nearly all houses. The brothel even had two beds for us hookers to work in! X-D Oh, and talking of our work... Instead of sex, they got massages. ;-) Back-massages, shoulder-massages and hand-massages. _devilcandy_, the brilliant woman, did not only give me some epic post-ap makeup but had also brought massage-oil that we used. So really... I had men moaning between my legs... but not from sex! X-D But from the fact I straddled them to be able to use all my strength when giving them a back-massage. :-) Trust me. Our costumers were more then happy. :-D My arms are not now though... since I am not used to giving that many massages, my arms are now sore. X-D

I was so impressed by all the people coming to the LARP. The amazing armor some of them had made! The stuff they had dug out! I mean, seriously... o.O So impressive. I felt that I hadn't done enough work on my clothes and stuff that I brought. If they'll arrange a part two next year? I am so going. Oh hellz to the yes. And I'll definitely play Katya again, trust me. I have a Sheriff to marry. If Katya can get him to want her. X-D

And spicehobbit? You are so coming. I am just saying.

Now for photos! (As always, you can click them for bigger if you want to.)

These photos were taken before the LARP, so we are still very clean as it were. :-)

Katya Hollander, ready to go to work.

The post-ap makeup the ever epic _devilcandy_ made on me. Only makeup we used was eyeliner. Thats it.

Katya Hollanders friend and colleague Tequila Rose, played by _devilcandy_.

My bed. :-) Not the one were Katya was working, no no... We'll be getting to that one. This is were I slept. The bags with the yellow postits on were off game. That is, those didn't exist in the game. The rest did though. In the bed Katya had her cash hidden, on the bed is a pair of pants, in the wooden box is all her worldly possessions. And the yellow and blue thing she carries stuff in, if she needs to. Thats all she owned.

Here, though, is were Katya was working. The royal room, what with it having golden cloth on the wall, and the bed having a blue blanket. And, since her specialty was BDSM, a rope on the pole in the room.... In game, she was either bound in that rope (most common as it were) or she bound her costumers in it and she was either wiped or her costumers wiped her. Off game, the guy buying Katya took of his clothes on his upper body, layed down on his stomach on the bed, I straddled him and then I gave him an epic back-massage. :-) Usually the guy and me did some... interesting noise to as it were, so it would sound like we had rough sex. X-D

A whip hanging by the window in Katyas work room that we created from an old belt a girl had with her. Between the window and the whip is the massage oil that _devilcandy_ had brought. It smelled wonderfully, gladly, since I had that smell all over me mixed with sweat before the LARP was over.

If our costumers wanted to relax a little before we took care of them in our work-rooms, they could take a seat in our waiting room, were we had this epic sofa. Thanx GMS! Both for sofa and for beds!

That was the photos taken before the LARP. Now for the photos taken late last night after the LARP was over. It was supposed to go on until this morning, but it didn't. I guess the plots ran out...? Anyway! More photos!

The girls working at the brothel: Tequila Rose, brothelkeeper Lola Carlsson and Katya Hollander.

The postmen that settled down in the village. Not your regular mailmen, no... These were hardened warriors, as was needed if you were to travel in this world. Axe, don't remember name of E's character, dammit! and Ivar.

A group-photo of all the characters that were there until last. The nomads, for example is not here since they left early. Neither are the callboys, since they to left early. Anyway.
The standing: A postman - E's character who I don't remember the name of, the postman Ivar, Cora, Kain the bartender, Don't remember the next two characters names, the Father of the Holy Church of the Night, Sheriff Alexander Carlsson, Butcher Eric Knalle, Shop-keeper Cederström, Doctor Martens, brothelkeeper Lola Carlsson, Timothey Svett (Katyas grown child).
The sitting: Katya Hollander, Tequila Rose, Cederströms slave, Keller and the postman Axe

Dr Martens, previously known as Dr Carlsson, outside his practice. He changed his name after he found that snazzy sign.... Might not look it, but he actually kept plenty of the other characters alive during the game.

The powerful Carlsson family in the village: Dr Martens (previously known as Dr Carlsson), Lola Carlsson the brothelkeeper and Sheriff Alexander Carlsson. To say we hookers had it good, would be an understatement. We got sick? Go to Dr Martens, no problem. Someone got rough with us? Go to Sheriff Carlsson, no problem. :-D

I absolutely adored the armor that J had made from tires (!) for his character! So damn epic, so I had to take another photo of him! Damn impressive! How the hell he managed to run in that thing in the heat, I have no idea, but he did. Impressive indeed...

And the LARP ended with a marriage, no less. Eric Knalle, the butcher, asked Lola Carlsson, the brothelkeeper, to marry him. She accepted, so that made the two most rich characters a married couple. Dangerous....

A low-life in the city, Keller. And the bartender Kaine.

Some photos from inside the bar and brothel then, before they destroyed it after the LARP.

A warning-sign on the wall. The text says, badly spelled: "Warning! Cash or slamer if trashing." And you would end up in the slammer if you thrashed the place. The Sheriff was the cousin of the brothelkeeper....

The bar with a prize list for the brothel to the left and a prize list for the drinks to the right. Badly spelled to. Since no one remebered anything about the world before the great war, spelling and such was... not so good. Anywere. Wasn't that common that people could read. Katya and Tequila could, but not well. The currency was caps, I might add. Bottle caps.
The brothel-list says: "Lok! But no toch 1 cap. Moutshot 2 caps. Lukyshot 3 caps. Special 5 caps." The special would be Katyas BDSM session then.
The bar list says: "Qick shot 1 cap. Soft shot 2 caps. Long shot 4 caps."
Might add that Katya and her colleagues only got 5 caps a night for there work, plus food and roof over there heads, and protection and help from Lolas family.

A bit of interior from the bar. All these furniture used was stuff people had thrashed and the organizers and there friends had gotten gifted for the LARP. It was after the LARP thrashed and mostly burned.

The bartender Kaine behind the bar. He even had a secret crush on one of us hookers... ;-)

I am not afraid of making a fool out of myself! There was this perfect pole in the bar, so Katya and Tequila used this for pole-dancing. Lets just say I wasn't good at it... Ehm...

The sign outside the bar and brothel. The place was called The Luky Shot. :-)

I so hope for a Part II next year!

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