World of Warcraft and family-stuff....

Aug 09, 2009 22:58

Ugh.... X-/ Sometimes it is not so fun to play WoW. Usually it is, but right now I didn't have to much fun. Being only one of two tanks in a raid-group, I didn't feel like giving up. If I had done so, all the others would have been forced to give up to, since two tanks was kinda needed. But fail. So much fail. Will have to stop playing Caina for a bit, it feels like. I think I'll play my sexy female dwarf death-knight instead and just DPS. Much less stress then tanking. *phew*

ANYWAY! To talk about something else then World of Warcraft...

Today has been a lazy day. Tomorrow peting73 goes back to work, so he didn't feel like doing anything today. Actually, we have been lazing about all his vacation. It sure saves money. :-P And when being lazy you don't need vacation from your vacation, do you? So, do send a thought his way tomorrow, yeah?

Me, I think it is going to be wonderful to have my days to myself again. Don't get me wrong, it is wonderful to have him home. But sometimes you need some alone time to. ;-) And tomorrow afternoon/evening I am going over to spicehobbit to work some more on ze pirate-coat. :-) Going to do scary things. Like cutting the last of the fabric. :-P

Yesterday we were over to visit my cousins and my aunt by marriage. :-) Was a lot of fun actually. Some WoW talk sneaked itself in there, since one of my cousins play WoW to. ;-) Not on the same server as I do, though, so I can't play much with him. :-) My aunt is kick ass when it comes to cooking, so we got a lot of really nice food. Really nice food with lots of carbohydrates. So, after two days eating carbohydrates, I now feel totally bloated and disgusting... Not to mention today when waking up I felt hungover, and I hadn't drunk anything. o.O Weird.

Take care all!

lowcarbhighfat, peting, birthday, family, world of warcraft

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