Yesterday was a pretty good day. A lot of driving, of course, since we were visiting my second cousin and congratulating her kid when he did his confirmation. Funny really. None in my family is very religious, but doing your confirmation is kinda tradition anyway. It was a lot of fun! Around 50 people were there, many from moms side of the family, of course. We are very close on that side. He so cute, that kid though! He plays World of Warcraft as well. He is only 15 years old, and think it is absolutely awesome to be able to talk WoW with two adults! So, if he gets stuck and wants advice and stuff, he usually emails me or
peting73 to ask. It is a lot of fun, and he is such a cutie, we really don't mind helping. :-) A great thing is that before he was allowed to get the game, his mom, my second cousin, called us and asked... "This World of Warcraft game... What is it?" so, she really cares about what her kids are doing on the computer, and they have put up really good rules about how much he is allowed to play and all that. :-) A great family! Was a lot of fun!
Got to meet all of my huge extended family to. And got to talk about... how it is that we hang out all off us. I blame my grandmother for that, actually. :-) She and one off her sister were very close and lived in the same house for a long time (my grandmother and her family on the bottom floor and her sister and her family on the top floor). That made sure there husbands got close and there kids got close... and after that it just continued down the generations. :-) I am very, very grateful for having such a huge, slightly crazy and very loving family! Not that common in these modern days or so I have learned. :-)
Anyway. The plan for today is to do as little as possible. Lots of World of Warcraft playing, of course. ;-) Caina, the tiny mighty warrior, reached one of the goals I have set up for her! Woot! She now owns 52 mini pets! :-D Tiny little creatures that follows her around on her adventures. So, so cute! Instead of telling you all about the cool pets she has (52 of them!) you can see them
HERE on my collection list (those not highlighted that are blacked out is not in Caina's collection). :-D Next goal... To get 75 mini pets! X-D And a cool black dragon to fly around on...