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Comments 17

croaky October 31 2008, 22:58:31 UTC
Looking good! :D


kseenaa October 31 2008, 23:05:29 UTC
Thank you kindly! :-D


kitasangel November 1 2008, 00:50:27 UTC
Great tights. I was in my usual old crone witch outfit last night during our city trick or treat. We do the yard up as a grave yard with me in front of a fake fire and cauldron. We have my godson in a grime reaper costume scaring kids with a chain saw and we usually have other guys and gals in vampire gear plus ghosts that drift down from the roof on wires. We have a giant spider on the roof and a guy that jumps out of a coffin. We had about 300 trick or treaters last night so it was a good turn out. Happy Halloween!


kseenaa November 1 2008, 08:53:47 UTC
Oh I love colorful tights so I don't only use them for Halloween. ;-) But always with that character. :-)

Sounds like you had a blast during Halloween! :-D You must have scared the shit out of people coming to your house!


kitasangel November 1 2008, 14:12:58 UTC
:D We have a great time. We were suppose to end it last year because godson got married and bought his own house but we all took a vote and kept it going one more year. One of the guys climbed on the roof and acted like a corpse then when the kids entered the yard he would scream. My favorite was a kid about 15 who was a little too old to be trick or treating. We all waited in position not moving and he walked into the middle of the grave yard going for the steps.As he passed my godson he turned on the toy chainsaw the kid jumped toward the coffin which another guy done up as a vamp jumped out of yelling blood I must have blood.The kid just lost it and high jumped over 6 tombstones on his way to the street. He stood there for a minute and finally came back to get candy but it was way too funny.


kseenaa November 1 2008, 18:45:56 UTC
HA HA HA HA!!! X-D I would probably had been piss-scared to, but damn that was a funny story! Thank you! :-D


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kseenaa November 1 2008, 12:03:30 UTC
Oh, they only had out that prize during that day, so I guess I won't be getting any. :-) I don't mind though. It was just for fun.


chigrima November 1 2008, 11:10:38 UTC
Looking good! Now I'll never dare talking to a telemarketer again. ;-) Your secret have been revealed! And that headset is really the dot over the 1. <3


kseenaa November 1 2008, 12:18:01 UTC
It does give a new view on telemarketing, don't it? We are all vampires! Do as we say, or die! *laughs*

Headset is what I wear all day long... It just looks even more silly when you happen to be dressed as a vampire. :-P


chigrima November 1 2008, 20:11:21 UTC
XDXD I had one call me yesterday, but he refused to talk to me, he only wanted Silvy on the phone. ;-)

Well, vampires are getting modern these days. And being nocturnal is not bad in the telemarketing business. ;-)


kseenaa November 1 2008, 22:51:13 UTC
*laughs* True that! X-D


halloween tekiila November 1 2008, 12:49:39 UTC
Master thesis and well astro had to listen to a long discussion about babies, ya we had a great time. But at least we are in each others company and have candy. Like your work outfit;)

PS. And we really LOVE chigrima Ds.


Re: halloween kseenaa November 1 2008, 13:05:03 UTC
There are worse things one could do on Halloween, I am sure. :-P My work-mates liked my outfit to, thought I was pretty.... Makes me wonder if I am ugly all other days...? *smirk*


Re: halloween astroflammante November 1 2008, 14:07:33 UTC
You're always pretty! They probably just have gotten used to your usual look, and Rose was something new... :-)


Re: halloween kseenaa November 1 2008, 15:15:51 UTC
I guess the fact that they weren't used to the look was the reason yes. :-) Still made me laugh though. X-D


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