This and that... Lazy on my vacation...

Sep 02, 2008 14:50

Time for an update, I think. :-)

Was at Gothenburg last week doing some shopping both for me, and for the LARP. :-) Needed some more of that vampire-makeup. Some of the stuff disappeared some time ago... We first thought it had ended up in some of our members pockets. After I had bought the stuff, it showed that it just had been misplaced. Good news! Wasn't much left though, so I bought some still. And some for me to. To transform me to Rose Valentine does require quite a bit of makeup... :-P It isn't exactly makeup that makes you pretty. On the contrary, it makes you look dead.... :-P So when I asked for the colors the guy behind the counter cheerfully asked: "Your a vampire-LARPer?" Only one thing to do then. Confess. *grin* He gave me some good makeup hints though, so all was good! On the way back to the train station I found a really cute little blouse for Rose. It wasn't that expensive, and it was just perfect for her. I HAD to buy it. So I did. :-D I could even buy a size smaller then I am used to!

On saturday there was the regular vampire-LARP, of course. Ah... Rose was offered one of the three most powerful positions in the city... YES! A friend plotted for it, and I plotted for it... Gonna be so much fun! She is still not fully right in the head (she'll never be 100%, but still...), but at least she can do her duties. Her daughter can hardly get up from bed at night, so she has moved back home to mommy dearest. So, even though politically things go very very well for Clan Malkavian and Rose, personally and mentally they are all screwed. :-P It will be interesting what more will happen to them.... *hopes the game-masters will be kind the next time* *crosses fingers*

peting73 had a blast with his new character to! :-D Rose is a 172 year old vampire. peting73s new character, Oskar Svärd, is only a 18 year old vampire... A baby to Rose! *laughs* But damn, he played him good! So young, and very over-confident... He'll get in trouble soon... *smirk*

Today we are just gonna laze about. Lots of World of Warcraft-playing, I can assure you. ;-) Caina is slowly getting closer to lvl 70. She is lvl 64 now, and quite close to 65. It goes very well. The quests in the area I am now, is alot of fun. And I know that the next area is alot of fun to, so it goes VERY well. She got new cool gear as well. A new helmet that you could put gems in, so I got some cheap once that added alot of stamina and some strength and defense. Perfect for a tank. :-) I hope I can find a group to do some instances with tonight or today. Would be fun. I can't understand why I haven't played a warrior before. It is INSANELY fun! I have to admit, it is more fun then playing a hunter... *pats old character Skyfire* When I got her up to top-level, I think I'll see if I can get a priest up to top-level as well. :-) Unless the new expansion, Wrath of the Lich King is released before that. Yes, me and peting73 has pre-ordered them. *nods* We are THAT big nerds. ;-D Blizzard just released the trailer for Wrath of the Lich King. And DAMN! It looks good! o.O You can see it HERE. It is one hell of a trailer.

Yesterday we managed to organize our book-shelfs in our living-room, that are filled with CD's and DVD's. Tomorrow, we are going to do the same to the one in the bed-room. And hopefully we can take care of the book-shelf in this room to, the comp-room, since it is a mess as well. I feel so much better when there is some sort of order in a book-shelf... I guess it is the librarian in me. ;-)

Before I go, I'll give you update how my weight-loss goes:

See, see! *exited* I am half-way there! Well, almost... :-D And I have lost a total of 7 centimeters in my waist and 8 centimeters over my hips/ass! Thats alot! No wonder I now need to use a belt not to drop my pants... I am not kidding. I have to. :-P It is amazing that I still lose so much weight, considering we don't only eat the Cambridge diet now. We are slowly starting to eat LowCarbHighFat food. It is delicious, but it feels strange to eat such fat food (not that I am complaining...). It just feels strange. :-) But it apparently works. :-)

So, I'd say all is going well here, on all accounts. Today, my goal is to get Caina another level. Thats it. :-D So LJ and World of Warcraft -day today!

Take care folks!

vampire-larp, lowcarbhighfat, life, world of warcraft, weightloss, cambridge diet

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