Birthday report! and Cambridge thoughts...

Jul 20, 2008 22:48

Birthday came and vent. :-) It was wonderful.

On saturday my mother, my aunt and her family came by and also Petings mom and spicehobbit. Was wonderful! Lots of cake was eaten and also pirouges. We talked laughed, and just had a general good time. I got alot of great, great gifts! From mom we got a gift certificate at Lundsbrunns Kurort! I'll definitly see if we can fit in a visit there during our vacation! :-D And from spicehobbit I got a cute little pirate piggy bank and a swedish vampire novel (who knew they existed?). From my aunt and her family I got a wonderful perfume and body lotion. And from Peting's mom I got two books about the middle ages and a bundle of roses! :-D It was a wonderful day, and a good time was had by all. :-)

When everyone had left, we lazed about and played some World of Warcraft. :-) Caina has now reached lvl 63 and gotten some good gear. Green coloured gear. Matches her hair. *smirk* :-D

And today Petings aunt and her family came by. :-) From them I got a cute little flower and a very VERY cute cat (one of these, but in another colour).

Also this afternoon/evening my brother and his family came by. I got to meet little Tilda again! Wohoo! :-D She loved our cats, who were mildly curious thinking she was noisy since every time the cats moved around her, and sniffed her, she screamed with delight, startling the cats somewhat. :-D It was so much fun to watch. I was afraid Tilda might get bored with our apartment, but since there was two curious cats and my big teddy-bear and soft dolls collection, no such thing. :-) I got a really cute little flower in a pot from them. :-) Brothers fiance likes things like that, so I always get interesting plants from them. :-)

So, on wards to Cambridge. After all the holy unhealthy food this weekend, we are going on the Cambridge Diet tomorrow. Me, Peting and spicehobbit. I just have to face it. I need to lose weight. Not for beauty reasons, but for health reasons, both mentally and physiclly. And this diet is going to be tough! We have now emptied our fridge and put all the remaing food in the freezer or given it away. I expect to be hungry as all hell for three to four days. So yeah... If our relationship, mine and Petings, survive this we'll survive anything. Good thing we have two beds in the apartment... And we have promised spicehobbit that she can call anytime. We are in on this all three, so we have promised to try and support each other as much as possible. I feel oddly determined. I am hoping this is a good thing... Keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow, yeah?

life, birthday, cambridge diet

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