Happy Halloween, people!

Nov 01, 2007 01:34

I hope you are having a blast! I have just had your everyday workday today. :-P Tomorrow though, I'll have company here since astroflammante is coming here tomorrow and stays until wedneysday next week. She and tekiila is going to work on there masters and try to finish more of it off. I bet they'll be successful to ( Read more... )

halloween, my writing, my fanfics, pirates of the caribbean

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Comments 9

chigrima November 1 2007, 11:18:55 UTC
Oh, nice writing! Very moving. The poor sod.


kseenaa November 1 2007, 13:34:14 UTC
He is such a guilt-ridden, angsty character it is shocking really how much fun he is to write for in the roleplay. :-) Lets just say the Will-player and me are not nice to our characters... *snickers* I found the fact that Bill did the carving, so to speak quite haunting and sad in the movie, so... It was kinda fitting that it would give him nightmares. :-)


chigrima November 1 2007, 21:57:21 UTC
Oh, definitly. ^_^But you picked it up very nicely.

And we all know that the more you like a character, the more you like to hust them.

I wonder if Bill also saw it as the only way to save Will? He was dying, after all.


kseenaa November 2 2007, 13:20:42 UTC
Oh, you'd kow plenty much about that, eh? ;-D I see you guys are not always nice to your characters in that PlotBunny of Doom -story. ;-) I am suprised I have gotten so inspired by that last movie in fact. Risks are, there'll be more Bootstrap stories... Shocking. :-P


hedwig_dreams November 2 2007, 21:21:13 UTC
Give astro and tekiila my love and wish them good luck :)

And no, I do not want to know how the Potc ends so I did not read your story... sorry...


kseenaa November 4 2007, 10:45:44 UTC
Will do that. :-) And I put the warning there so no one would be spoiled for the last movie. No need to apologize. :-)


immortal_jedi February 23 2009, 17:43:18 UTC
oh brrr.... yeah, that would be Bill's nightmare.


kseenaa February 23 2009, 17:52:45 UTC
Thank you for your comment on this old thing. :-) Yeah. Brrr indeed... Sometimes things happen in rpgs that you didn't expect and you get crazy inspired. :-) Also, I have no idea why I love playing good ol' Bootstrap. ;-) Thank you again for your comment.


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