Because the man does not update his page o' photos often enough. Anyway. Today's image incorporates some "d'aww" with some "huh" and a bit of photogeekery thanks to photographer
Jody Ake. She uses the "wet collodion process, an historic photographic technique which involves using a large format camera and glass plates", and the end result is ambrotypes. Her site (that link up there; note that some images are NSFW due to Tasteful Boobies so use your discretion) is actually pretty awesome if you want to poke around a bit.
Anyway. You can has pensive olde-timey Alan:
ETA TOTALLY UNRELATED: I keep wanting to use my politics filter again, so if anybody wants on it HOLLA! Note that I am queer lefty and so much of the content on said filter is... the sort that appeals to lefties and/or people who don't mind queers.
As you were.