1. Backsliding into DW fandom a bit, in that I'm marginally more engaged than I was this time last week. Basically someone said "Turlough!" and the
details for "The Company Of Friends" came out (FIIIIIIIIIITZ) and so I'm a moderately chipper fangirl.
1a. LOLing at all the wank over on That Comm has been entertaining too.
2. If you recall a few days ago I posted the "who comments most" thing and
erinm-4600 was in the lead by over 100. She has since pulled away further. Shall I do a Beat Erin free-for-all post today or tomorrow? I see it as a way for my flist to cross-pollinate a bit. And hey, maybe my roommate will chime in and you guys can grill her for information.
3. YESTERDAY: 12+ hours of sinus headache, forcing me to go to bed at 10:30.
3a. TODAY: Please not a repeat of that, please...
4. Sophia just walked up and calmly bit Stevie on the neck. I think that's my cue to leave the cats alone.
5. The new prompt ("Don't freak out!") over at
tinman100 has me utterly dumbfounded. Go crazy, longcoats, I've got nothin'.