"And No Birds Sing," the commentary

Aug 24, 2008 18:31

A couple people asked for a commentary on "Birds," my really official first Tin Man fic. It's Ambrose/the Queen, present tense, and I refused to use proper names. So here goes:

'O, what can ail thee, knight-at-arms' )

meme: fic

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kseda August 25 2008, 14:49:00 UTC
Eee! *glomps*

I loved the way it started off so chastely too, it was so in keeping with their personalities. And the feet! ^^

Propriety must be adhered to and all that... until the very very very last minute. And that mental picture of Ambrose curled up on a dainty lady's chaise (I'm thinking like this), snugged in a hand-sewn quilt with his feetsies sticking out just KILLS me. :D

Whee! Shout out! ^^ And I totally loved how for just that little exchange you could imagine either saying either part.

I just HAD to. I was thinking "Where's a good palce for Ozian booze- OH!" And after reading it over a zillion times I think it's him-her-him-her, but I may be wrong.

OMG.... I totally missed that! How did I miss that? Genius foreshadowing! *shivers*

*flail* The pen thing needed to be worked back in, and it's just a subtle "Oh NO" moment. Also it's that line in particular that's making me want to do some sort of post-series sequel. *facepalm*

Thanks so much for squeeing at my flail so I could flail some more *snugs* (And do this meme, it's enlightening!)


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