engage: fangirl

Jul 08, 2005 12:53

Gambit series 3 in a nutshell:

He too, took a deep breath. "Well, kidnapped Sekmeht Conoway 'n Jake Gavin Jr, 'long wid de Mengo brothers ta break into Doom's castle in Latervia. Used Doom's time platform to travel back to London, 1891, so I could change history and get my Poppa set up t'be de next head of de Guild. Got Adam Worth's help to track down de Guild to Sinister's old mansion. Ran into my grandpappy (who is jest a big an idiot as my father said he was, by de way...) and fought Candra t'free de Guild. DEN, I kidnapped my daddy, as we all took off to New York to get secrets fer Candra from Sinister so she'd let dem (dem being that idiotic Guild I was born into. Who ever thought a buncha thieves could be that _stupid_...) outta their debt t'her. Tangled with de Guild 'gain (Came up short on dat one..), 'n had Jake turn into a woman, which after 'SHE' tangled with Sinister, she couldn' change back to a man. DEN we all ended up in Egypt, I fought Candra 'gain, saved de Guild, 'n had all the ancient texts of our people locked into my noggin. After all dat nonsense, t'finish off de trip 'Jackie' n' I swung down to Nawlins t'save my Tante Mattie when she was jest a girl."

He paused to breath, then added nonchalantly, "All 'n all... a borin' trip."

She quirked her lips. "How was the food?"

"Kinda greasy. Delmonico's was good, tho."


oh remy darling

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