Does this make us a Thievery Corporation? ::ducks and runs at lame music referecne:: Or possibly a Thieves Guild? ::beats back Marvel's lawyers::
1. Your Full name
Keri Lee Letourneau
2. Do you feel like your name fits you?
3. Do you have an alter ego? If so, what is his/her name?
Krys Van Lampavich and his various reccurances, Seda, Satan, Haldis, Ori, Soan, assorted other Pernies and Orshies, etc. etc. etc.
4. Where were you born?
Plymouth, MA
5. Where do you live?
Spring Hill, FL
6. Do you like to travel?
7. What is your birthday?
May 11
8. Do you have siblings?
9. Do you have pets?
10. Which was the happiest year of your life?
I think maybe 2000, although 1998 had some great moments as well.
11. How old do you wish you were?
18, with about 50% fewer inhibitions than I did at the time.
12. A movie is being made about your life. Who would you cast to play yourself?
Eliza Dushku, after the bitch gained 50 pounds.
13. Who would you cast to play your significant other? (if you have no significant other, cast someone anyway)
John Cusack still, oddly.
14. How would this movie end?
With a John Hughes freeze frame and a power ballad.
15. Is it better to be famous or infamous?
A little of both.
16. Youre going to die a natural death. What is the cause?
17. Youre going to die a sudden, tragic death. What is the cause?
Falling from a great height.
18. How long do you plan on living?
Long enough to know better.
19. What was the last song you got stuck in your head?
"I Predict A Riot," Kaiser Chiefs... is STILL in my head.
20. Sing any commercial jingle.
I am stuck on band-aid brand because band-aid's stuck on me. <--- that is teh WIN
21. What is your favourite element on the periodic table?
I dig magnesium, with the white flare and all that.
22. Sunrise or sunset?
23. Introvert or extrovert?
24. Creation or evolution?
25.Action or reaction?
26. Unity or individuality?
Indivunity. No. Erm... pass?
27. Hugs or drugs?
Vodka. And hugs.
28. Animal, vegetable, or mineral?
Animal, baby. Grrr!
29. Popsicle, creamcicle, or fudgecicle?
30. Fight or flight?
31. Who is your favourite historical figure?
Guy Fawkes. No. Franz Ferdiannd. No. Erm... Akhenaten!
32. Which historical figure could we have done without?
Hitler? No, too obvious. Pol Pot.
33. What happened in the last dream you remember?
Oh God, I slept way too late today and had a highly invovled dream with San Diego (which was also Boston) and running around shopping with my sister but there ended up being pirates and I was also a pirate and made up this great story about finding treasure off Coral Gables and it all made sense at the time.
34. Do nice guys really finish last?
Close enough to it, according to teh Amazing Race.
35. What are your favourite boy names?
Sebastian, Ivan, Justin, Peter. For the moment.
36. What are your favourite girl names?
Catherine, Cheryl, Bernice, Thomasina. Again for the moment.
37. Open or closed?
38. White bread or wheat bread?
The mroe grains the better. With honey.
39. Is it better to burn out than to fade away?
40. You put a quarter into a toy machine. What comes out?
Mike and Ike's.
41.What do you want to be when you grow up?
A grown up.
42. What were your favourite childhood toys?
Gather up and assortment of early 80s shit. Pick out the sparkliest stuff. Add finger paint and a Pound Puppy.
43. What was your first pet?
An Alaskan Malamute named Sassy, a gray evil bitchcat named Babe, and the prerequisite black cat with white feet named Sneakers.
44. What annoys you?
Not getting my way. And fucktards.
45. What is your favourite action caption from the old batman tv show? (example. "pow" or "blam")
Kerpow. Probably. I don't recall really watching it.
46. How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a tootsie pop?
3. Mr. Owl figured that otu ages ago.
47. The glass... half empty or half full?
"I wanna know who drank out my damn glass?" - some chick in my child psych class a few years back
48. Tightie whities.
Functional but not flattering.
49. McDonalds happy meals.
Gimme toyz!!!
50. Reality shows.
I like maybe 2 of them. Ever.
51. Gummi bears or gummi worms?
Gummie anything, left to melt in the Disney parking lot all day, then toyed with on the drive home. Bon. Temps.
52.Would you rather sky dive or deep sea dive?
Can't I sit on the beach and laugh at people?
53. Paper or plastic?
54. What position do you sleep in?
Fall asleep on my back and wake up on my side.
55. Do you sleep on the left, right, or the middle of the bed?
More or less middle.
56. Sweet or sour?
Sweet and sour. With Midori. I mean, sweet.
57. What was your favourite after school special?
Disney Afternoon, baby. Although I did watch Tiny Toons and X-Men on the WB.
58.What is your favourite word?
Sonuvabitch. It's all I've been saying the alst few days. Also "also."
59. Beach or mountains?
60. Mounds or almond joy?
Almond Joy.
61. Do YOU feel like a nut?
Bite me.
62. To give or to recieve?
Recieve. I'm a Taurus.
63. Chocolate or caramel?
64. Do you have any nicknames?
Ker, Kid, Kiddo.
65. What does your name mean?
Dark, field, starling. Roughly.
66. Have you ever fainted?
Yes, after getting my tetnis booster shot. On the sidewalk outside the county health office. Good. Times.
67.Have you ever had a crush on a school teacher?
Who didn't want to jump Mr. Zack's bones?
68.What was the last thing you ate?
a couple Jordan almonds
69.Do you have any bad habits?
Boozin' and procrastination.
what is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear...
70. Grey...
71. Human...
72. Fruit loop...
73. Glove...
74. Plum...
75. Structure...
76. Race...
77. Heart...
78. Parasite...
79. What was your first happy memory?
I remember riding my Smurf Big Wheeles round and roudna dn round on the patio to the tune of "Money for Nothing." And staying up way late to watch "Labyrinth" with my best friend Robyn Folsom.
80. What was your first unhappy memory?
getting my leg broken while being taught to ride a mini motorcycle. Age? 5.
81. If you could visit any time period, what would it be?
The 50s. I'd probably get a kick out of McCarthyism, until I got branded a red and thrown in prison. That's be swell.
82.What would Jesus do?
Teach tolorance and universal love, then somehow get really misinterpreted. Like a lot. By a whole bunch of people. For a long, long time.
83. Make up a word and define it.
Fwoofy - it's like foofy, but not.
84.Favourite kool aid flavour?
Purplesuarus Rex.
85. Favourite pick up line?
86. Who was the third gunman on the grassy knoll?
zombie!Marilyn Monroe.
87. What did you like to make believe as a child?
Random. Ass. Shit.
88. Did you have an immaginary friend?
::chokes, dies:: I had an imaginary entourage.
89. Would you like to live in a castle or a mansion?
Depends. Is it full of superheroes or out-to-lunch rich people? In any event, sure.
90. Re-arrange some of the letters in your first, middle, and last name to form a description of yourself.
A rule to nuke eel ire. Thanks,
Internet Anagram Server! 91. Do it fast or do it right?
Do it expediciously.
92.What was the last book you read?
"To the Slaughter," Who stuff
93. Have you ever had surgery?
94. Random fact about you......
I have absolutely no idea where my St. Christopher medal came from.
95. What is the first thing you wash in the shower?
My hair.
96. What is your favourite cereal?
Lucky Charms. Failing than, Golden Grahams.
97. If you could learn any foreign language, what would it be?
French. And Italian. I suck.
98. If you had the choice to live forever, would you?
Probably not. Lot of bother, having to go 'round lobbing other bloke's head off and whatnot.
99. If you had the choice to be the opposite sex for a day, would you?
Sure, why not. Of course I'd spend way too much time being all "OMFG PEENER!!!"
100. Fate?
Not really.
101. Ghosts?
Yes. Bastards.
102. God?
Kinda sorta maybe.
103. Big foot?
104. Soul mates?
In a "gee, that'd be cool" way.
107. Loch ness monster?
108. Heaven and hell?
109. The Zodiac?
110. Love at first sight?
111. Karma?
A little.
113. If you had any super power, what would it be?
Flying. WHich directly contradicts my fear of death-by-fall-from-great-height.
114. Would you use your power for good or evil?
I would use it for my own morally amiguous personal gain. And profit.
115. Name something nostalgic.
116. What are your turn ons in the opposite sex?
Loyal, funny, attractive, with a bit of an adventurer's streak.
117. What are your turn offs in the opposite sex?
...being a dumbass?
118. What was the best compliment ever given to you?
"I thought you were the smart one," or words to that effect.
119. Which character from Scooby Doo do you most relate to?
Shaggy lik whoa.
120. What is the worst trend of the present time?
Humanity's lack of humanity.
121. Beer or wine?
Vodka. Still.
123. You can't sleep. What do you do?
124. Do you wear jewelry?
St. Chris, the spinny ring, and the "ruby" ring.
125. What is your favourite smell?
Jasmine and rain before it falls. Because wet asphalt=teh suxx0r
126.What was the best decade of the last century?
The 80s kinda strike me as wholesome. Despite the coke and the Contra and the cartoons.
127. Which is your favourite month of the year?
128. Do you smoke?
129. Do you drink?
130. What was your favourite subject in school?
131. What was your worst subject in school?
132. If you had to give up one of your senses, what would it be?
Smell, sure. yeah
133. Do you follow your head, your heart, or your crotch?
Crotch. I mean gut.
134. Do you truely know who you are?
When I'm convinced I really exist, yeah.
135. Are you superstitious?
Not really.
136. Are you sentimental?
Oh hell yes.
137. How many times a day do you eat?
I have no shcedule.
138. Are you more of a main idea or detail type of person?
Stupid little details entertain me to no end.
139. What is your favourite pie?
Dutch apple a la mode.
140. Have you ever been close to death?
141. Do you like roller coasters?
I suppose I could get to like them.
142. Apples or oranges?
Apples, usually. Both?
143. Are you hyperactive?
144. Do you talk in your sleep?
Not that I know of.
145. What is your favourite holiday?
146. Do you go to church?
No. Recovering Catholic.
147. At what age do you think you will be married?
32. Maybe.
148. If you could open up your own business, what would it be?
Record store.
149. What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Ralph. Seriously.
150. What is your weakness?
teh c0mix, teh b00ze, teh f00d, teh internets....
151. What was the last movie you saw that made you cry?
::blink:: Uh... I don't remember. Wait, I saw "Charlotte's Web" out in California.
152. If love were a flavour, which flavour would it be?
153. If hate were a flavour, which flavour would it be?
154. Have you ever been prescribed any drugs? Which ones?
Amoxacilin and my darling paroxetine.
155. Is lying sometimes necessary?
No. And I lied when I said that.
156. Bubbleyum or bubblicious?
157. What is your favourite curse word?
...I'm a big fan of fuck for all its versatility.>> Denis Leary!! More or less.
158. Do you have any birthmarks?
No. But tons of moles.
159. If you could visit anywhere in the US, where would it be?
South Dakota. really. Badlands are cool, man.
160. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Europe. Hahaha!
162. Do you feel like your physical self matches your personality?
163. What was the name of your kindergarten teacher?
Mrs. Fitzpatrick. i think. Fitz-something. Heehee.
164. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
165. How tall are you?
166. How tall would you like to be?
167. Your current mood:
168. Do you dress up for halloween?
I will be Death, oh yes.
169. Have you ever been in a car accident?
170. What is your favourite lucky charm?
St. Chris. Although he's not exactly lucky, I just feel anked without him.
171. What colour of underwear are you wearing?
White with light blue paisleys.
172. Do you tend to date people younger or older than you?
173. Do your exes look alike?
174. Do your exes act alike?
In that they all don't exist, yeah.
175. Have you ever been in love?
176. What is your favourite kids movie?
The Brave Little mutherfucking Toaster.
177. Have you ever hallucinated?
178. What do you like most about the opposite sex?
...huh. I can't really answer that.
179. What do you hate most about the opposite sex?
The way they summarily ignore me.
180. Have you ever been on a blind date?
181. Would you want to be cloned?
Eh, no.
182. Have you ever peed in public?
183. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
An idealist.
184. How did you find out that there was no santa claus?
The 14' trampoline in the back yard kinda gave the game away.
185. Pancakes or waffles?
186. Are you on a diet?
187. Why is the grass always greener on the other side?
Heh. You said "grass."
188. Do you always want what you can't have?
Not always.
189. Do you act stupid around someone you have a crush on?
Probably. I just got this horrid regret-pang from two years ago re: poofy haired boy. ::sigh:: Idiot.
190. Have you ever been arrested?
191. Can you cook?
192. Do you think its wrong/weird if a girl asks a guy out?
193. Do you have any allergies?
Pollen and cigarette smoke.
194. Ketchup or catsup?
Ketchup, although sometimes pronoucne it "catsup" the fuck with people.
195. Do you believe there is a meaning to life? If so, what is it?
No, no meaning. Wow, I just realised I think that way.
196. What do you think about before you fall asleep?
"Mmm, cofty bed."
197. What are your thoughts on the nature of good and evil?
My brain is going all test pattern.
198. Step into your cave. There you will find your power animal. What kind of animal is it?
A wolf. Wow, I'm really cliche tonight.
199.What does your power animal say to you?
200. End this survey with a quote:
"Wake up and smell the maple nut chrunch." - Denis Leary