My new favorite fanfic author is some chick named Amada:
"And don't expect an accent when Gambit's thinking to himself - first because I don't think anyone thinks with an accent and second because it's hard enough to remember how to do the accent when he's talking. "
Ain't dat de trut', mon ami. ::kills self::
And I do usually go bonkers over accents and how they appear in dialogue. I mean, I will occasionally slip into Luke or Lisa's accent, or occasionally George's, but they're just so distinct and obviously recognizable. But writin' de Cajun accent jus' makes ol' Remy look like he jus' fell off de ol' turnip truck somwhere outsi' Nachitoches. An' den dey add the t'ird person bit, an' it jus' all goes t'hell.
That said?
TbmYoung39: I'm chilly
kseda: Hot cocoa? Blankey? Shot of rum?
Keri: Imagine Luke in either doctor or mechanic form?
Keri again: Make yourself some cocoa with rum and bundle in a blankey thinking naughty Luke thoughts?
more Keri: Quotefiel?
Terry: yes
Terry: of course, I'm watching the Matinee video while you said that
Keri: Oh sweet jesus, I'm sorry. (Alex is such and evil sexy bitch.)
Keri: And listen to Franz, I forgot that bit.