The Great LiveJournal
Outage of 2005
During the outage I bought a smal Eastern European nation.
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geek-foo So Nana has been transfered to a hospital in effing Gainseville, which UF uses as a teaching hospital. There were no doctors avaialble at tapa General to take her. I'm going to look into getting a cheap hotel for Mom, or something.
"The only thing worse than feeling useless is being useless." - Krys Van Lampavich sh'Panrith
On the other hand, I did much squeeing when I saw a new Who book in Borders today. I then procured it. And I can't even being to describe the glee at the Fitz/Eight interaction stuff. He fixes the Doc a cuppa (with a little honey, just like he lies it), the Doc gives him some psychobable. They both laugh and punch arms and stuff. It's very cheering. Shame there's only two books left, and I think Herr Kreiner might stay dead this time. Sigh.
Emotionally invested? Me?
So a Cajun mutant, a time-traveling Englishman, an Elven rock star, a cowboy, a dragonrider, and a galactic hitchhiker were sitting about a table at the Oasis Café, consuming various drinks and (very carefully) playing hardly-any-rules poker. Oddly enough, the dragonrider seemed to be winning.
“Of course, these do me no good back home,” F’nor sighed, then bounced a quarter off the table. It missed the souvenier coffee mug in the middle of the table completely.
“Drink,” Fitz and Krys said, pointing merrily at the hapless wingsecond. They got glowered at, and Grall chittered scoldingly.
“Who’s dealing again?” Ford inquired from his slumped position. He had arranged his cards in a Polarisian solitare pattern and was struggling to remember how this had all come about.
“Dat would be ol’ Remy,” ol’ Remy said, reaching for the deck of cards with fingers that only twitched slightly.
Miraculously, another hand beat his to it and snatched the deck away. “Uh-uh,” Spike Spiegle informed him. “Not since that exploding full house gag.”
Remy glared, red-on-black eyes gleaming as his nimble hands pulled back to toy with his winnings.
Spike, who also happened to have red eyes (more or less), started shuffling the deck, pausing only long enough the perch another cigarette between his lips. Krys happily reached out and lit it with his finger, causing Ford to go “Ooo!” and making Fitz blink in befuddlement.
It's kinda like that one fake dream sequence with all the Kryses, only a smidge more meta/literal. And yet... stupid beyond explaining.