Dec 05, 2004 20:59
A weekend summarized in quotefile form, all form memory so corrections are welcome/encouraged:
"We'll be in Detroit in about 20 minutes, where it's aprtly cloudy and the temperature has warmed to... 33 degrees."
- Captain Snark, who earlier reported the DTW temp as 32 degrees
Terry: "Wang!"
Keri: "Dude, that guy's car says 'penis'."
- seeing the most ridiculous vanity plate in history, from Maryland
"My body temperature is regulated by my boobies. They're too cold, I'm too cold. Overheated, and I'm overheated."
- Keri, on personal thermoregulation
"Did that kinda depress you?"
- Terry, following a presentation at Kean (had to be there)
"So... she used to be with a guy named Chris and now she's kidna after some guy named Luke?"
"The angst is creating a puddle on your floor."
- Keri and the finer points of Gilmore Girls
Keri: "Maybe the guy's name is Wang."
Terry: "Still, you don't put that on your car!"
- not getting past it
Terry: "See, Luke likes sitting next to mirrors in diners so he can see everything that's going on."
Keri: "And Krys likes them so he can do this." ::plays with her hair and frowns::
- after spotting the Furry Hat Lady
"Damn, Chevelle, turn down the bass!"
- either of us, paraphrased, many times
Papa Roach Guy: "We're fuckin' Papa Roach!!!1111!!"
Keri: "No, you ARE Papa Roach."
Terry: "Not 'fucking' Papa Roach."
- no matter how much we'd like them to go fuck themselves
Keri: "Hey, they're rolling out carpet... it's orange carpet... there are three mics out there, os it's a quartet with the drummer... I see a skinny Scotsman! See him? He's wandering around... I see another one! The carpet's orange, see? Oran-"
Terry: "GODDAMNIT, Keri, shut UP! I know Franz Ferdinand is on now. I get it. Shut up."
Keri: "Jeeze, you've gotten bitchier."
Terry: "And you've gotten touchier."
- again paraphrased, but close enough
Crowd: "Boooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
Keri and Terry: ::muttering:: "Tasteless fuckwitted asshats."
- no, we didn't say it, but we both thought it loudly
More when I'm less bored.