Do you realize...

Oct 26, 2004 18:11

...that when you take a survey, you're answering along with everyone else who has taken that survey? Please use proper protection when replying to a survey.

What kind of underwear are you wearing, and what color are they?
White and blue bikini cut Hanes; the blue is ina paisley/floral patterny thing

What songs do you want played at your funeral?
"Learning to Fly," Pink Floyd; uh... you pick, I'll be dead

What would your last meal be before being executed?
I'd prefer not to be executed, but a plate of Mexican food and a margarita about as big as my head would be cool

Beatles or Stones?
Beatles, although I am developing a Stones fondness

If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who would it be?
Chimpy McFlightsuit

The person whose problems you don't want to hear?
Passengers who wantonly miss their flight then cry because I'm going to charge them money to fly tomorrow instead.

What is the thing most important to you about the preferred sex?
Smile, you fucktard. Oh, and have good hair and a sense of humor. And money.

Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?
I don't have near enough friends to be that picky.

How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?
Three "beers," two margaritas, one of my Cape Canaveral of Deaths. Short answer? "It depends."

Favorite song lyric?
Right now? God. Uh... I'll go with "I'm walking alone again with my headphones on again; And I really wanna run but at this moment I'm listening to a very, very quiet song." - "The Headphonist," Kinky

Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have?
Erm, I'll answer that by saying I don't really find blondes attractive.

Do you have any psychiatric problems?
::waves around her paroxetine::

Siblings that should go to rehab?

Least favorite month?
I'm not all that keen on August, although I hear April wants me dead.

First movie you remember seeing as a kid?
::blank stare:: Probably the crappy animated "The Hobbit."

Favorite person in the whole world?
Jon Stewart, baby.

When's the last time you went on a date?
Ides of March, 2003. At least I think that was a date. Ging to a hockey game with a guy you like and some friends is a date now, right?

Do you like violent movies or dirty movies?
I like seeing shit blown up.

The name of your very first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Ralph DeCristofaro. Yes, seriously.

Autumn or Spring?
I'll take anything before like 78 degrees.

Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?
::pause:: No one. Although I do deeply regret and wish to strike from the record Jay Thompson. Actually, can I just strike him? With a truck?

If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?
Erm... I dunno. I declared someone to be hot a while ago, but I've forgotten.

Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?
The beautiful island of California. Or possibly right where I am ebcause I'm -never- moving OUT!! ::grumbles::

Who is the person you can count on the most?

If you could date any celebrity, past or present, time and age are not a factor?
You know who was a hottie? Sinatra.

What's a word/phrase you'd use to describe your life?

current clothing: Jeans that actually fit and U2 t-shirt.
current mood: glad I took a day shift today.
current taste: funky blueberry gingerbread ice cream. Bless Baskin Robins.
current hair: Kinda auburny darkish brown, but gettign highlighted tomorrow. I've got a Rachel-with-bangs hairstyle now.
current annoyance: pathological boredom
current smell: my room, which is a cross between dog and insence to counteract dog
current thing you ought to be doing: working, but I <3 shiff adjustments
current jewelry: silver cvhain with St. Chris and my spinny ring on it.
current books: struggling "The Baker's Boy," J.V. Jones. remind em to review the prologue.
current worry: Finances.
current crush: None, oh woe.
current favorite celebrity: Jon Stewart
current music: "Viva Las Vegas," ZZ Top
current wish: a life/money/will someone PLEASE do me?
current "Lasy luck please let the dice stay hot, let me see seven with every shot."
current regret: That I have but one vote to give for my candidate.
current desktop picture: One with slightly-chibbyish X-Men. Jubilee is driving a Jeep with Psylocke riding shotgun, Scott and Jean are in back, Hank hanging off the antena as they race along... Wolverine has crawled onto the hood and is threatening Gambit and Rogue with bloody murder as they speed by on a motorcycle. It's cute.
current cuss word du jour: yeah, damnit
current amusement: "Kung Fu Fighting" just came on WinAmp
current IM/person: no one loves me either
current obsession: X-men, still.
current avoidance: Responsibility.
current thing or things on your wall: ::looks around:: Too damn much shit.

:x: you have a crush on someone = Non.
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = Yes.
:x: you believe in online dating = The upshot of net dating is meaningless sex, right?
:x: others find you attractive = Apparently not.
:x: you want more piercings = Possibly, only because Terry is my role model.
:x: you like cleaning = Only for deeply impracticle purposes.
:x: you like roller coasters = I probably would, actually.

:x: ever cried over a girl = in the "my friends pissed my off/hurt me" way yes <--- oui
:x: ever cried over a boy = In a "Waaaah! No one loves me and never will!" way.
:x: ever lied to someone = No.
:x: ever been in a fist fight = No.
:x: ever been arrested = Nope.

:x: of times I have been in love? = none
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = none, although it has been bruised.
:x: of hearts I have broken? = None
:x: of girls I have kissed? = I smooched Christy when horribly drunk.
:x: of boys I have kissed? = One. A lot. Randomly. see above re: internet dating minus the sex bit.
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = 2
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = a couple for school-related BS
:x: of scars on my body? = a number, I was a tomboy
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = A few, but nothing traumatic.

:x: pretty ? I used to, but... increasingly less so.
:x: funny ? See above re: lying
:x: hot ? Again, I was about maybe a year and a half ago. See my icon.
:x: friendly ? I try to be, but just come off as creepy.
:x: ugly ? no, oddly.
:x: lovable ? Like a squid.
:x: caring ? in an interesting direction
:x: sweet ? Occasionally.
:x: dorky ? I ama total dweeb. Also a geek and spazz.

5 letter word: bitch
actor/actress: I always suck at this. John Cusack and... her. That one.
Candy: peanut M&Ms.
Cartoon: Right now X-men, of all time probably... Animaniacs.
Cereal: Golden Grahams.
Chewing gum: Orbitz spearmint
Color(s): red, gold, green
Least fave day: Friday; it's my Monday.
Flower: All time? Lily of the valley.
Jelly flavor: strawberry
Necklace: St. Christopher medal on silver chain.
Ring: the mother of pearl I lost a few years ago; the replacement's pretty cool, though.

Slept in your bed: me
Saw you cry: I think Mom, maybe Dad.
Made you cry: Dad, myself, I don't remember.
You went to the movies with: Mom and Dad... seeing a pattern here?
Sent you an email: Terry

Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yes.
Went out in public in your pajamas: Middle of the ngiht fire alarms at college, baby.
Kept a secret from everyone: Yes.
Cried during a movie: Yes.

Meh. T-shirt Krys would own: "I take life with a grain of salt. And a wedge of lime. And a shot of tequilla."


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