No idea why this is so damn funny, but...
Remy slapped his fore-head, and looked about ready to turn around and do the same to his seating companion. "I said Spandex, Bobby....t'ink SPAN-DEX." He gestured towards his own t-shirt clad chest, hand sliding down to encompass ripped blue-jeans and leather sandals. "Y'know, capes, spandex, fighting evil-doers."
"Oh my god. You mean...SPANDEX! Oh MY GOD! Who!" Bobby was screaming now, "Who was it! Who!!!" like some insane owl. "Who! I want details dammit! Give me a tall, what color hair, eyes....what color costume! How big was his...."
"Aright aright, you'll get details. Simmer down." Remy smoked a pace, letting Bobby simmer. He enjoyed torturing the lad. "Six feet, black hair, blue eyes. Swimmer's build. Black costume wit' silver blazes."
"None a your bid'ness."
"Did he....have an accent of any sort?"
"French....slight. French Canadian accent."
"Not....with the ears?" Bobby pulled on his own ears, now all but standing in his seat. "The skier? Ah HAH!!!"
"Ah hah, what?" Remy smirked. "You know who?"
Bobby jumped around in his seat, completely wound. "YES! Yes! I know who! You slept with Skippy the Happy Elf Boy!!!!"
"Sunshine the Blue Faerie of Cynicism!"
"Dat's jealousy talkin', Caffeine Lad!"
::dies again:: Remy an' Bobby are so my X-men OTP. They're like the Spike and Xander, the Chaucer and Wat, the Robie and Krys, the- ::gets a total beat-down from her internal censor::
I'm sorry, Terry.