This is where I've been...

Dec 22, 2008 16:46

Recently got a great deal on an RV which I now call home, somewhat. Still want to upgrade, but I got this uber cheap because it apparently 'didn't run'. Spent literally five minutes with it, a few squirts of starter fluid and a bit of gas, and drove it off the lot.

A home. Mine. Shelter. Cold as fuck, but... it's better than I've had for far too long...

Been keeping busy, too...

A beautiful new site, Completely new format with constant content added, pretty colors, shiny things, and more than I can even say here right now, because there's so much possible - I just don't friggin' know! Suffice it to say it will kick ass.

In the upcoming the interviews and articles will roll in with:

Lucent Dossier,
Black Lotus Clothing,
The Sugar Dames
Sxip Shirey
Barry Syska
Kristina Canizares
Gwyn Lister
Scott Lewis
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus


The long awaited interviews with:
Zirk Ubu
The Underground Circus
and finally, the second half of the interview with
Jill Tracy!

There is quite a bit more we're working on in the background for extra delicious and delightful treats for you to hungrily slurp up, but instead of making you wait even longer for our butts to be ready, it's going to be offered to you a little at a time at first - trust us, it's better for you this way...

THIS COMING MONDAY, DECEMBER 29th WILL BE THE LAUNCH OF THE ENTIRELY NEW BIG TOP, roll up, roll up, the circus is comin' at ya new & improved, with all the beauty that you've come to expect from Big Top Magazine - and much, much MORE!!!

In the meantime, soak your eyes and mind in the luscious beauty of the last issue at - and it actually is the last issue in this format, so enjoy it before the new one comes out!

(Oh yeah - and if you want to advertise or donate to 'this thing that has sucked my life away so beautifully", that would be cool too...)

Happy Everything!

~ kSea

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