Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Dec 30, 2008 17:42

I think the main reason I went back to school was for the Christmas break... There's nothing like three weeks off to live it up.  Here's what I did (the abridged version):

Friday, drove to NC with sun in eyes.  Watched new hot tub be hoisted up onto new screen porch.  No electrician, empty hot tub.  Got in empty hot tub.  Saturday, Sunday, empty hot tub.  Packed for NYC.  Monday, went to airport.  Plane delayed 2.5 hours.  Subway screwed up.  Eventually made it to hotel.  Times Square.  Sat on Macy's Santa's lap.  Random shopping.  Real feel 5 degrees.  Jumped on hotel bed.  Sleep.  Tuesday, fabulous bagels.  Central Park.  Ice skating.  Walked.  Met too expensive.  Ate hot dogs on steps of Met.  Walked.  Walked.  FAO Schwartz.  Played big piano.  Walked to Serendipity.  Three hour wait.  Walked away from Serendipity.  Random shopping.  Carnegie deli.  Mmm, cheesecake.  Random coffee shop for hot chocolate.  Still walking.  Random shopping.  Broadway show, Avenue Q.  Laughed ass off.  Walked back to hotel.  Real feel all day 20 degrees.  Feet rebelling against walking.  Sleep.  Wednesday, rain.  Late breakfast.  Walked.  Random shopping.  Found large tree and ice rink.  Kept walking and found Rockefeller tree and ice rink.  Shopped.  Purchased cupcakes at Magnolia bakery.  Still raining.  Still walking.  Fabulous pizza place.  Ate cupcakes here.  Also fabulous.  Shopped.  Charmin public toilets, hilarity ensued.
Powered the 2009 ball in the Duracell section above Charmin public toilets, more hilarity.  Walked back to hotel.  Subway, Train, JFK Airport.  Flight delayed.  Flight delayed.  Flight cancelled.  Purchased own tickets to fly back on Xmas.  No way I was flying back on Boxing Day.  Obtained vouchers after 2.5 hour wait.  Made it to hotel at 11:58 Christmas Eve.  Thursday, Christmas, Airport Holiday Inn.  Ate crappy bagel on airline voucher.  Cab to LaGuardia.  Got on earlier flight to Philly.  Sat in Philly.  Ate other half of airline voucher bagel.  Made it to NC at 6pm.  Late Christmas.  Friday, Christmas #2 with steppeeps and forgetful grandmother.  Saturday, forgetful grandmother irate because we never picked her up for Christmas.  Ate leftovers.  Sunday, Christmas #3 with extended stepfamilypeeps.  Rocked some Taboo.  Monday, breakfast.  Lunch.  Drove back to Athens with sun in eyes.  Tuesday, cleaned.  Tomorrow, Christmas #4 with Ben.  New Years Eve.  Thursday, 2009.
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