It's been awhile since I last posted. Here's what I've been up to:
- Growing stronger feelings of hatred toward one of my professors. It's funny how hard it is to pay attention to your students as well as (oops!) forget to email them back or (oops!) show up to a planned meeting or (oops!) take off points for things that were actually done.
- Giving the shortest finals in the history of forever. I gave finals in both racquetball and badminton this semester, and I believe the longest time of completion was 6 minutes. Booyah.
- Procrastinating. Yep. I have two finals coming up and instead I have finished my xmas shopping, watched countless movies, and vegged out.
Here's where I'm headed:
- A Capella Christmas concert tonight. I'm pretty pumped.
- Departing for the 'rents house next week. Thankfully, the ride is a little shorter from Athens than it was from ATL.
- The sis and I are going to NYC on Dec 22-24. Complete with Broadway show, ice skating in Central Park, etc etc. Currently looking for fun, semi-cheap restaurants to hit up while we're there.
- Apartment hunting for next summer/fall. It's gonna be cheap, it's gonna let me own a dog, and it's gonna let me move out at the end of December!
And there you have it. Now, back to the couch so I can watch a little TV while my notebook gathers dust.
Happy Holidays!