More random BS poetry...

Jul 30, 2005 01:50

Over the last few weeks, I've been writing hella poetry. 2 a week for the last 7 weeks. I feel the need to post another. Maybe 2.
In Response to: Alzheimer’s: The Wife
By Hiller
She has been told not to cook,
     But how does she break
A habit burned into her mind.
     Instinctively starting, but then a knock.
Salesmen are so rude to those who state
     Purchases are not going to be made.
Then the buzzer for the laundry goes off,
     Reminder of pending chores, but who
Put the laundry going? Surely this is prank
     Perpetrated by one of her daughters.
Scared, no, petrified, she stands
     In the wash room, clothes partially folded.
A feeling as if something important has again
     Eluded her. She stands a minute longer,
Hoping that maybe she’ll remember that unfinished
     Task, and carry it to completion.
A terrifying scream comes out of the smoke
     Detector. What in the world could
That infernal contraption’s problem be?
     Husband grabs the fire extinguisher, and
Puts out the neglectfully started blaze.
     This is so hard for him, watching his
Life-mate revert back to her childhood,
     Not remembering anything that happened longer
Than 20 seconds ago. Having to watch after her
     Morning, noon, and evening.
Sometimes she knows who she is, and she’s lucid
     In thought. Other times she’s lost, confused.
She sits on the couch, tear-covered cheeks,
     Not sure why he’s upset with her. Convinced
It had something to do with the smoke detector.
Eh, and perhaps I'll post another one. I eventually want to post them all. But, unfortunately I don't have them all in my email.
Clumsy Construction Calamity
By Hiller
Sweaty men tar a wide flat roof,
Grateful that their months of labor
Are finally going to pay off.
Much blood, sweat and tears has gone
Into this project. They’re almost done.
Back-breaking and muscle-ripping effort,
Walls and support beams go up.
Nail and screw together hold this
Newly erected building. If it wasn’t for
The money, the men would be fishing.
A man who suffers constant vertigo
Loses his balance. He stumbles, trips,
And off the roof backwards he goes.
As he lands on one of the work benches
You can hear a crack, like a stick over the knee.
A 911 call and a meat wagon trip later
The man slowly regains consciousness.
He feels funny, and his effort to scratch
His nose is for naught. The heart-stopping fear
Sets in. Why can’t he feel his arms or legs?
The doctor walks in, looking morosely
At the injured worker on the bed.
After delivering the news, the doctor leaves,
Allowing wife to enter and comfort the man;
Tears flowing down his face like sweat.
There, I guess that's enough for now... even if people don't comment on them, at least I felt creative for a few minutes while posting 'em. Until next time my friends.
Happy trails,
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