My Other (Lower) Half

Sep 02, 2009 02:42

(I feel like I should be rationing my posts right now: days and days without an update and here I am, writing two posts within an hour of each other! Ah well.)

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I bought an above-the-knee skirt the other day. This is kind of a big deal for me.

My acceptance (and dare I say love) of my body has risen quite significantly over the past few years. I gave up hating on myself because I realized it was achieving nothing but pain. I used to be so insecure about so much of my body, and I dunno, lately I just haven't been. It's a waste of time and mental energy.

But some of my disability-related deformity/otherness still makes me feel a bit insecure at times. And it's mostly related to my legs.

First there's the leg braces. Then there's the knock knees. Then there's my short-length but large-girth feet (the girth is mostly from the braces), which makes it extremely difficult to find attractive footwear that also actually fits and is comfortable. There's my tiny feet and the high rise of the plastic parts of my braces, necessitating at least knee-high socks for comfort, which no one seems to sell anymore, or at least not in a size small enough to fit my feet.

And now I've all but given up shaving, which is another issue entirely.

It's all pretty frustrating. I can't always wear the shoes I'd like. I can't always wear the socks I'd like. I look funny and people stare.

But, you know, I tried the skirt on in the dressing room before I bought it... and it was cute, it fit, and I wanted it. So I bought it.

Maybe my wearing a short skirt out somewhere, hairy legs, braces 'n all, will help someone else think, "hey, SHE'S different-looking and SHE'S wearing that and having a good time and not giving a fuck. Maybe I oughta try that, too."

And another small victory will be won in the name of body-love.

disability, anti-shaving, shopping, body image

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