Nov 21, 2006 06:26
Though my body tends to naturally gravitate to staying up late (lately it's been very late...) and sleeping in, sometimes I really wish I had reason and the circumstantial ability to wake up around 5 or 6 AM. Like, if I were going to head off to some fabulous job just as the sun were rising, that could be potentially awesome, I think. I like the sunrise and the quiet of the early morning.
My dad's picking me up Wednesday evening and we're going down to Latham to Grandpa and Gen's house for Thanksgiving. Staying until Friday so we can spend some time with Grandma Mildred, and then my father's sending me back on a train (my first time!) that afternoon. My mom didn't want to drive to Syracuse to pick me up at the train station, which is basically par for the course with her, so I'm used to it. I told my dad I'd just catch a bus back to Fulton because I really don't mind doing so--other than for a couple of logistical disability issues, but nothing I can't manage/haven't managed before--and it seemed to really upset him. *shrug* Whatever. My mom's unwillingness to drive places lately is kind of annoying, but it's not as though I don't have other options. It is her time and her vehicle and I am 22 years old. I can deal with it. Hopefully it doesn't start some bullshit argument. And hopefully I get to drive my dad's car to Latham. ;)
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Dear MP3 Player,
Where is "Mysterious Ways" by U2? I need to hear it. I'm certain I had that on a CD somewhere. Hm. *ponders*
Love, Kelley
public transportation,